Good stuff. Very productive. === First: the Cloud SIG wiki page is now up. It's very rudimentary, but it's good enough for now. SIG home: === Second: the meeting was great, and we have log and minutes for all to peruse. Raw Log: Minutes: === Third: we have the rudiments of a feature page for "Fedora on EC2". Whether we can get this into the Fedora 13 feature list is up to John Poelstra, but I think we can make a good case for it: (a) a lot of the work has been ongoing for quite a while, but has not been tracked in this particular way; (b) there's not a great deal of risk to the release itself, since the handful of meaningful changes to Fedora itself are all in the kernel anyway, and additional changes are process additions that are largely independent of current Fedora process (spinning new AMIs and AKIs). Feature page: (Note: incomplete draft, patches welcome) === Thanks for everyone's participation yesterday. Next meeting will be at 4pm Eastern US time, next Thursday. --g -- Educational materials should be high-quality, collaborative, and free. Visit and join the conversation.