I trolled on at the last IRC meeting for Fedora SIG Astronomy. I should
make a better introduction. My name is Chris Hunter, I am with IT
support for astronomy & astrophysics at yale university, in connecticut
usa. Our department has ~100 linux machines; 70 which are desktop
workstations for faculty, students & research staff. We also support
workstations at astronomical observatories in the usa and south america.
We use linux because most research software has a history of starting in
a UNIX environment. Our current platform of choice is scientific linux
(www.scientificlinux.org); close second is OS X. We additionally use ESO
"scisoft" research software packages (www.eso.org/scisoft).
We are evaluating alternate platforms that will provide support for new
projects such as "Virtual Observatory" tools (typically java based or
SOA). A key decision factor will be how easily we can incorporate
"non-free", or academic licenced software into local installations.
I'm interested in fedora-astronomy, since fedora will give us bleeding
edge hardware support and looks provide packaging of popular
astronomical research software.
Chris Hunter
Systems Programmer, Astronomy Yale University
Fedora astronomy mailing list