Re: f23 arm request - uboot through video port

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Hi Troy,

> I realize this might be controversial, and for that I apologize.

The request for a feature isn't controversial. The way you go about
it, and the word that comes to mind I wished to use I'm leaving off to
keep it civil, is.

> I'm really tired of having to explain to people about the serial console
> stuff on a small board that has hdmi built in.
> I believe this is one of the major reasons Fedora isn't listed first (or
> at all) on these boards lists of distributions.  For someone just
> starting out, getting a serial port up and running is way too high of a
> starting block.

If it's bad for you could you spare a moment for those of us that
actively support it?

Until the 2015.04 release of u-boot that VAST majority of boards we
support well didn't support HDMI at all so serial port was the only
option. We really wanted to get 2015.04 into F-22 GA but ran out of
time. We could have possibly done it if we didn't sleep, spend time
with friends and family etc.

We decided instead to go with a well tested status quo rather than
potentially ending up with something that either makes F-22 slip or is
broken on a bunch of currently working devices.

> I realize the reason for wanting/needing uboot to go through a serial
> port.  But with F23, we have a uboot that will handle hdmi on a vast
> majority of the arm boards.

No, there is no reason to focus on serial. We actively want both.
Sadly a lot of the boards haven't supported it until now. A lot of
boards currently default to serial.

> I see a few ways of having both serial and hdmi/vga.
> 1 - Find a nice configuration that does output for both.

We're working to fix this so we can have output on both. We ran out of
time for F-22

> 2 - Having two uboot packages

Not going to happen, u-boot is already confusing enough for most
people, and having double the amount makes that worse!

> 3 - Building two binaries for each board in the current uboot package.

Same as the above isn't it?

> 4 - Do away with the patch and simply use the default uboot configuration.

You missed 5. Work with upstream so we can get a u-boot that supports
both, plus a bunch of other distro default options. This is what we're
doing. Hans had HDMI support land in 2015.04 for AllWinner, we've
already had a bunch of enhancements land in 2015.07 for a variety of

> Troy
> p.s. I do realize the current build time of uboot is large already.
> p.p.s. I am willing and able to do leg work for some of this.  But I'm
> asking first because I don't want to get shot down after I've done the work.

Well I'll suggest rather than coming out all guns blazing an email
that would have been more constructive would have been "Hey, I'd like
to see X better supported in F-23, this is what I believe the status
to be how can I help improve that?"

So now that we're over the above this is our plans for both F-23, and
how to move them back to F-22, open to suggestions and even better
patches to help out :-)

1) a means of more easily upgrade u-boot to a newer version in a
released image. We had most of this in place for F-22, we're actively
planning to push an improved 2015.04 release to F-22, the currently
pending blocker to that is the serial/HDMI rant you had above :-)
2) decent HDMI/usb console support with serial fall back, a bunch of
SoCs need patches to enable this, they need to be upstreamable
3) more work on distro defaults upstream. We're actively working with
upstream maintainers to enable this.
4) enabling work to ensure that new devices with upstream support
"just work" without our interaction

Believe me we're no lover of a serial only world but the fact is that
decent support for a lot of devices has only just landed and there is
two of us working on u-boot support in Fedora in 100% of our own time.
We're trying to support new devices as fully as we can but sometimes
other requirements come and roadtrain us. If you can assist with
patches believe me we're happy to accept them, and provide
constructive feedback if we feel there's issues. We hang out here on
this list and #fedora-arm

arm mailing list

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