Hmm. Thanks for the prompter. Seemed daunting but decided to have a go. :->
vlc requires lua and cannot find it even though it's at /usr/bin/lua
So disable that and it wants libmad - disable that and it cannot find
libavcodec or libavutil even after installing ffmpeg.
Tried to use parole and it cannot find H.264 decoder and MPEG-4 AAC
decoder even after installing ffmpeg. Seems version 0.6.0 is the
recommended version c.f. 0.5.4 installed.
Tried to install minidlna but it reports "libavutil headers not found or
not usable".
Have not found a way around any of these yet.
Maybe F21 is the best way forward for me?
On 06/04/15 04:20, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
W dniu 05.04.2015 o 05:06, Robert Brown pisze:
Seems I need rpmfusion for most of what I am trying to do.
Is there a downgrade process to go to F21 from F22 Rawhide (device is
Mk802II) and retain the current kernel version
(3.19.0-0.rc7.git3.1.fc22.armv7hl) and u-boot (from RH version 20150110)?
Other option would be to do a F21 install and then upgrade the u-boot
and kernel - more problematic?
Yet another option would be recompile those parts of rpmfusion you need.
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