The font color problem from 20150210 is fixed. Things are readable. No
more white menu items in firefox, for example.
Speaking of firefox, when I went to install it I got:
Package firefox-35.0.1-4.fc22.armv7hl.rpm is not signed
I had to set pgpcheck=0 to install it. This was not a problem yesterday.
But still the font size problem with my comcast netgear gateway. All the
fonts for the edit fields are too big to show in the boxes. But I went
to my juniper ssg5 firewall and no problem with font sizes there. So
netgear is expecting some font that is either not there or wrong. I do
not have this problem from my f20-x86 notebook. How might I figure this
I am now testing the idle time to see what happens with USB. I have
disabled screensave, but left power management alone.
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