So where would I locate an appropriate kernel? I read about the
fedora-arm-installer and it states that you specify a 'u-boot' and gives
options like bananapi etc, will I also require RPI2 u-boot files?
I've gone with the Raspbian release (it smells horrible like Debian).
I can't wait to get this little puppy running RHEL.
Apologies Peter - I thought I replied to the list!
On 10/02/15 12:28, Peter Robinson wrote:
Hi, I know that there have been versions of Fedora released for the
RaspberryPi in the past, Pidora being the most prominent to my knowledge. Is
there a way to install the latest Fedora21 ARM release to my new RPI2? I'm
reading about u-boot things and it's all a little beyond me. Google hasn't
provided any useful information either so I came here...
Thanks in advance, apologies if I've asked on the incorrect mailing list,
The current version of Pidora doesn't work on the Raspberry Pi 2, though
it may just need later versions of a few packages. Fedora21 ARM won't work
on the Pi 2 either as it doesn't have some Pi specific code, though there
are plans to provide a Fedora21 ARM remix.
Not entirely true, Fedora 21 userspace will work just fine if you have
an appropriate kernel.
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