It turns out that what Adrian has working is x11vnc, while I have always
been using tigervnc-server, so I went back to the threads on the
Fedora-user list where I got help getting it working and found why it
can work sometimes...
The file: /tmp/.X11-unix/X3 is suppose to be removed with a normal
shutdown, but sometimes it is not, I have been told. If it is there at
startup, tigervnc-server will not start.
The person that told me this has a cron.hourly script that would check
if vnc serve running, and if not, it would remove the file, and then use
systemctl to restart the service.
The failure of this file removal MAY have something to do with the
Cubieboard not having an RTC, so the date is a problem:
# ls /tmp/.X11-unix -ls
total 0
0 srwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Jan 1 2010 X0
0 srwxrwxrwx. 1 rgm rgm 0 Jan 1 2010 X3
But right now tigervnc-server is up and running on F20. Next I will do
some F21 testing and see what is happening there...
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