On 08/02/2014 06:54 AM, Hans de Goede wrote:
On 08/01/2014 08:31 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
For me anyway. I am begining to see how the pieces are suppose to fit together.
The installer script is coded for only the Cubietruck, and if you don't capitalize it, the script fixes that.
There IS a dtb for the cubieboard2:
But no .bin supplied.
I got u-boot-sunxi-cubieboard2.tar.xz from someplace on Jul 24 which has in it:
That won't work because it is missing the "generic distro support" patches
Fedora's images rely on.
I've a u-boot tree which supports a lot more allwinner devices then just the
cubietruck, and does include the generic distro support.
To build this do the following (on an x86 machine)
yum install gcc-arm-linux-gnu
git clone https://github.com/jwrdegoede/u-boot-sunxi.git
cd u-boot-sunxi
git checkout -B next origin/next
# git checkout -B next origin/next
Branch next set up to track remote branch next from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'next'
make -j4 CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnu- Cubieboard2_defconfig
# make -j4 CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnu- Cubieboard2_defconfig
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep
/bin/sh: gcc: command not found
make[1]: *** [scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 127
make: *** [scripts_basic] Error 2
Looks like there is something else I need to install...
make -j4 CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnu-
sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/FIXME bs=1024 seek=8
Where FIXME is the block device for your sdcard, then umount any
partitions mounted from the sdcard, sync, and boot your cubieboard2
with it.
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