So for the last test of the day, I built a Minimal SD. FIrst boot went
through the prompts for rootpass, timezone and user. The user prompts
were strange, but I think I got them.
I then logged in as user and no commands.
I 'su -' and got into root, no commands other than powerdown.
I powered done, rebooted, and that failed. Something wrong is being
written to the SD card so that it is looking for an nand boot which does
not work. Here is the capture from this boot:
HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
boot0 version : 3.0.0
dram size =1024
Ready to disable icache.
Jump to secend Boot.
[ 0.132]
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00003-ge89ab14-dirty (Jan 03 2014 - 12:57:33)
Allwinner Technology
[ 0.141]version: 1.1.0
[ 0.144]pmbus: ready
[ 0.249]PMU: AXP209
[ 0.252]PMU: AXP20x found
[ 0.255]PMU: bat ratio = 100
[ 0.258]after set, dcdc2 =1400mv
[ 0.262]PMU: dcdc2 1400
[ 0.264]PMU: pll1 912 Mhz
boot_clock = 912
dcdc2_vol = 1400
[ 0.272]after set, dcdc2 =1400mv
dcdc3_vol = 1250
ldo2_vol = 3000
ldo3_vol = 2800
ldo4_vol = 2800
power_start = 0
storage_type = -1
usb_recovery = 1
find power_sply to end
fel key old mode
run key detect
no key found
no key input
dram_para_set start
dram_para_set end
[ 0.308]DRAM: 1 GiB
relocation Offset is: 35b23000
donn't initialize ther user_gpio (main_key:boot_init_gpio)
DRV_DISP_Init: opened
[ 0.522]boot_disp.output_type=4
[ 0.526]boot_disp.output_mode=4
[ 0.529]boot_disp.auto_hpd=1
Hdmi_dvi_enable is NULL
Hdmi_get_input_csc is NULL
workmode = 0
[ 0.570]NAND: NAND_UbootInit
NB1 : enter NAND_LogicInit
nand : get id_number_ctl from script, 3
not burn nand partition table!
NB1 : nand_info_init fail
[ 4.180]nand init fail
set to recovery
try sprite_led_gpio config
sprite_led_gpio start
sunxi sprite begin
screen_width = 1280
screen_height = 720
bar x1: 320 y1: 320
bar x2: 960 y2: 400
read mbr failed
sprite update error: no data part found
read mbr failed
sprite update error: read image start error
sprite update error: current card sprite failed
now hold the machine
fail to find part named env
Using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
--------fastboot partitions--------
mbr not exist
base bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal
bootcmd set setargs_nand
key 0
recovery key high 6, low 4
cant find fstbt value
no misc partition is found
to be run cmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal
the part isn't exist
[ 4.276]Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
cant find part named boot
sunxi_flash - sunxi_flash sub-system
sunxi_flash read command parmeters :
parmeters 0 : addr to load(hex only)
parmeters 1 : the name of the part to be load
[parmeters 2] : the number of bytes to be load(hex only)
if [parmeters 2] not exist, the number of bytes to be load is the size
of the part indecated on partemeter 1
boota: bad boot image magic, maybe not a boot.img?
Next testing?
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