The ODROID-XU is from the same stable as the earlier ODROID-X I use.
The main problem is with MAX98090 support where hardkernel have done
their own thing which produces a driver that's way off what is possible
with upstream kernel support and in an application like quisk for
Software Defined Radio it's unusable and I have to use a USB sound card
I have asked if their goad is eventually to merge with the upstream
kernel and have been told never.
Their kernel support is not the best either, seems like it is a one man job.
The latest kernel I built and have running is with Mali 400
GPU support and awaiting a reboot.
root@odroid:~# uname -r
root@odroid:~# cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="13.04, Raring Ringtail"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 13.04"
As for the platform itself, I natively build kernels and everything else
including Qt-5.1.1 as it has enough power to not need cross-compiling
The Wandboard ( looks a better proposition.
On 29/10/13 18:59, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 01:44:25PM -0500, Connie Sieh wrote:
Does the [ODROID-XU] product work?
Yes and no.
Yes I've got it to work and I'm now using it for some light compiling.
However there are some major shortcomings from my point of view
(as someone looking specifically for a KVM / hardware virt development
- No serial, impossible to see any boot messages.
- Display did not work at all until I spend nearly £200 buying a new
HDMI monitor and the weird uncommon micro-HDMI cable that the
ODROID-XU uses. Now it works after X starts, but not before.
Still no boot messages.
- Despite a lot of trying, I could not work out how to recreate the
boot process from their wiki, so I'm using the ODROID-supplied F19
disk image.
- Can only use the Android 3.4 kernel. Possibly an upstream kernel
would work, but because I can't see any boot messages, I'm afraid
to try because it would effectively brick it.
3.4 kernel doesn't support any KVM stuff, so it's useless for the
intended purpose. We need to be running our own self-compiled
upstream kernels for serious development.
For some background on this, here's what I am looking for:
Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
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