I left my ssh connections up overnight after all the changes to a
different port. This morning, neither of them were responding.
I ended up powering down, and booting back up. The boot reached the
kernel and remained unresponsive. Yesterday, I did not make any changes
to uboot to boot off the usb or to load the Fedora boot into NAND. I
did run yum update to get all current code.
I took the usb drive out, and changed /etc/ssh/sshd_config back to
default port (22) via mounting the usb on my notebook. I powered the
pogo back up, but no difference. Since then I built a new usb drive and
am up running with that.
I looked some more at the old drive. The only entries in messages after
my stopping last night was the 3am cron logrotate. What else should I
look at to troubleshoot this failure.
I am going to leave this build pretty much alone. I am going to run yum
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