Re: Regarding Seneca Issues

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On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Jon Chiappetta
<Jon.Chiappetta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > 6) Your topic here
>> Koji: There have been a number of issues over the last couple of weeks
>> that have been bought up and I haven't seen any form of update from
>> Seneca as to the state:
>> - DB perf tuning, it was done or at least there was an outage. What
>> was the outcome
> * The dump and restore worked in shrinking our db size and cleaning
> old entries from our tables. Auto-vacuum seems to be broken or not
> working as we expected it but manual vacuum seems to work well on
> all of the tables.

Excellent, thanks for the update.

>> - repo issues (the generally perl based build failures due to repo
>> issues). I reported I thought I had found the offending host but the
>> issue appears to have come back. Was the host re-enabled, what testing
>> has Seneca done?
> * Could you please provide the specific task links as examples or names
> of hosts that are causing the problem so we could diagnose the problem
> and look into resolving it?

No I can't because I don't have time spare to dig through koji builds
but I have provided lots of them in the past on the IRC channel but
basically if you look through this list:

If you get a build like this:

That has the "BuildrootError: could not init mock buildroot, mock
exited with status 30; see root.log for more information" error you're
basically guaranteed to find 100s of examples and it covers most of
our failures now days.

>> - builder issues, seeing issues with things like the disk space on the
>> large builders without a resolution, or a resolution being reported.
>> What is the status, is it fixed?
> * What are the problems with the large builders? Are there RAM issues,
> permission issues, low space issues? Which builders need to be looked at
> specifically because it's hard to solve this without the needed info.

There's a number of issues that I've pinged on IRC about . I don't
have access to the platform (and I'm quite happy to keep it that way)
so I see an issue with builders and I normally disable them so they
stop causing builds issues and report the builder to the channel with
as much detail I can tell from my build experience and what I suspect
is wrong and I expect the people in charge of the platform to
investigate (I can't and don't want to do everything, I don't scale
that well). The large builder channel had issues with the Trimslices
due to the HDD partition sizing and some of them dgilmore couldn't
access and was questioned "Why do you need access to this".

>> - Some people have remote access to the builders via a ssh key but it
>> appears that not all build hosts are configured for this. What's the
>> steps to resolution so that people can support the platform?
> * We specifically setup bcfg2 across all builders which helps to distribute
> our keys to them. If you would like access as you are describing then
> please contact one of us and we can generate an ssh key on hongkong so
> that you can login to the builders without a password. I believe this option
> was offered by one of my co-workers but was denied by a certain person so
> ya. :/

I don't want access, I've never requested access and I've never been
offered access to it. I'm quite happy with that situation. Dennis has
access and always has had access and there were particular build hosts
that he couldn't access where he could access others and should be
able to access all of them. So this is a corner case for specific
hosts which obviously have missing bits in their bcfg2 config or
something (pure speculation here).

The only real issue I have with all of the above is communication....
it's the only real problem I've ever had and something I've asked
people to be aware of regularly whether it be communication about
maintenance, acknowledgement of an issue and who it working on it and
when it's fixed. The reason I bought this up is because it seems like
a black hole at the moment. This is not directed at anyone in
particular but is a general observation. If your not sure what I'm
asking please ask me and I'll give you as much information and
direction I can to help out.

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