I was looking for a quick status/summary of fedora version-specific and arm platform-specific packaging bugs. the section Tracker Bugs on
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Package_Maintainers references "Bug f14-armv5" and "a nice overview of open bugs" but the links resolve to
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=f14-armv5 with the bugzilla error message: 'f14-armv5' is not a valid bug number nor an alias to a bug.
are these obsoleted by the ARMTracker (which does not appear to be fedora version-specific, and also shows on bugzilla as Platform: arm9 Linux)?
or maybe now replaced by the new "ARM F-14 Branched report: 20110816 changes" (implicit armv5) emails?
thanks for any info
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