Hi All, I've got a couple of different ARM devices that I would like to eventually get Fedora running on so I just thought I'd post to the list and say Hi. I've been a RHL./Fedora user since 1995 or RHL-4.0... so a little while. I've got reasonable packaging skills, debug etc but never done much coding. I have 3 (well 4 actually I think) that either run linux already or can run Linux. They are: - Nokia 770 - O2 XDA (or a HTC Wallaby - http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Wallaby) - A router (can't remember make/model but I'm sure its ARM based) - A Sarotech 3.5 ABIGS 570HD (http://www.sarotech.com/english/cgi/pd.cgi?cmd=view&rno=19) - already run Linux but not sure if a Sigma Designs EM8621 is an ARM variant or something else) I was also wonder whether ScratchBox (http://www.scratchbox.org/) as used by Maemo to cross compile stuff would be an appropriate tool for cross compiling. Anyway first on the list to play with will be the Wallaby as its not currently in general use. I've found the Fedora ARM wiki http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ARM and there's a general get Linux booting howto for it (http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=WallabyLinuxBooting). Is there a general "this is roughly how to get your dev booting Fedora ARM but your milage may vary dependant on your device" howto? Cheers, Pete