On 06/12/2012 09:43 PM, inode0 wrote:
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Robyn Bergeron
<robyn.bergeron@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As previously announced[1], the recent Board election resulted in a
two-way tie for the third elected seat, between Nick Bebout and Robert
'Bob' Jensen.
At some point this tie needs to be broken for good and here is my
suggestion as the election coordinator. If this round also ends in a
tie we do the following:
(1) Live webcast of the candidates playing rock paper scissors lizard
spock. This will last at most 17 rounds. If the candidates both
stubbornly refuse to budge from spock for all 17 rounds we go to step
(2) Live webcast of the candidates in a 17 minute long hotdog eating
contest. Again, we allow for ties and repeat this up to 17 times. If
289 minutes of stuffing themselves with hotdogs does not resolve the
matter I think they have both earned a seat on the Board.
This tie is just laughable since Nick Bebout already got elected on
FamSCo and just highlights one issue we have with the election process.
He should just do the most honourable thing and step down from this
election since he has already has a seat in another governing body
within the project and this process be fixed so that no individual can
serve in more the one governing body at a time and that we only hold
another elections between individuals with votes that ended up in a tie
that did not get elected to ( or are not serving in ) another governing
body with in the project
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