Well, hello there, Fedora friends:
This is a friendly reminder that the Fedora Board will be having a
public IRC meeting Today!, Wednesday, May 30, at 18:30 UTC. This meeting
is open to everyone, participation and input is welcomed.
If someone is available to do a ping in all the channels to notify of
the Board meeting, I would be appreciative of that - I am unfortunately
locked to my phone in the hours preceding. :\
When: 18:30 UTC (2:30pm US-Eastern), on May 30, 2012
Where: in #fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.net (assuming no conflicts)
Meeting Info:http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board/IRC
Meeting Secretary: Toshio Kuratomi
Also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to Christoph Wickert :)
* Announcements
* Open Q&A
* Open Discussion Items
* Release naming
* Open Tickets:
* Board as a SPOF (Toshio)
* Next Public Board IRC Meeting time/date confirmation: Wednesday, June
13, 2012 @ 18:30 UTC
Beefy Cheers,
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