Minutes from the Board IRC Meeting, 2012-03-21.
Robyn Bergeron
Rudi Landmann
Jon Stanley
Toshio Kuratomi
Rex Dieter
Jaroslav Reznik
David Nalley
Peter Robinson
Guillermo Gomez
Christoph Wickert
Special thanks to Tom Callaway for coming in his Fedora Legal hat to
discuss TM guidelines.
* Reviewed revised TM Guidelines draft; Robyn to send to Ambassadors for
further feedback, will revisit with Board in two weeks (next public
board IRC meeting)
* Status report from Toshio on his Board Member goal (Fixing Features)
* Tickets:
** Connotation of Beefy Miracle: Jaroslav to bring to board mailing
list for discussion
** Making the Board less of a Single Point of Failure: Toshio
continuing to work his draft, will revisit
#fedora-meeting: Fedora Board IRC Meeting
Meeting started by rbergeron at 18:30:31 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (rbergeron, 18:30:44)
* pbrobinson, gomix unable to attend today (rbergeron, 18:31:58)
* jds2001, rudi, rbergeron present thus far (rbergeron, 18:32:55)
* rdieter is present (rbergeron, 18:33:12)
* Announcements (rbergeron, 18:34:56)
* Bids for FUDCon NA close this Friday (March 23rd). (rbergeron,
(rbergeron, 18:35:53)
* Subsidy requests for FUDCon in Kuala Lumpur are open through the
27th of March. (rbergeron, 18:36:43)
(rbergeron, 18:36:46)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Lawrence_2013
(rbergeron, 18:37:44)
* Robyn claims first dibs on ianweller's first beer at a FUDCon.
(rbergeron, 18:39:02)
* F18 Naming Suggestions are now OPEN. (rbergeron, 18:39:37)
* LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_18
(rbergeron, 18:39:50)
* We are gearing up towards Alpha; please keep your eyes out for
Blockers, help with testing, be Miraculous! (rbergeron, 18:40:12)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
(rbergeron, 18:40:22)
* Open Q&A (rbergeron, 18:41:42)
* This is the open portion for Q& A with the board; if you have a
question, follow the protocol listed on the board meetings wiki
page, but basically just use a ? for asking a question or ! for
making a statement. (rbergeron, 18:42:20)
* I obviously meant Beta :) (rbergeron, 18:43:33)
* TM Guidelines Draft, round 487 (rbergeron, 18:47:10)
* Spot is here to walk us through some things. (rbergeron, 18:47:21)
* We won't be voting today, just eyeballing/ask questions, esp. since
quorum is nada. (rbergeron, 18:47:42)
(spot, 18:47:42)
(rbergeron, 18:55:46)
* same mail went to the ambassadors' list as well (rbergeron,
* ACTION: rbergeron to forward info re: TM guidelines draft to
ambassadors and update famsco ticket as well (rbergeron, 19:03:37)
* ACTION: rbergeron to request input to be given over next two weeks
to discuss at nexst public board irc meeting (rbergeron, 19:04:35)
* Board Member Personal Goals: abadger1999 reportout (rbergeron,
* Board Tickets (rbergeron, 19:19:11)
* Ticket 135: Connotation problems with Beefy Miracle (rbergeron,
* This ticket is here to essentially say that "beef is offensive in
some cultures and can we avoid this in the future", if anyone wants
to add teir own interpretation, please feel free (rbergeron,
* ACTION: jreznik_n9__ to start a discussion on the board mailing list
re: naming process (rbergeron, 19:35:00)
* Ticket 130, makethe board less of a Single Point of Failure
(rbergeron, 19:35:57)
* 130 will wait till next week; Toshio has been travelling.
(rbergeron, 19:37:18)
* Open Floor/Continuation of Open Q&A (rbergeron, 19:39:35)
* Next Board IRC meeting will be April 4, 2012, at 18:30 UTC.
(rbergeron, 19:40:14)
Meeting ended at 19:42:46 UTC.
Action Items
* rbergeron to forward info re: TM guidelines draft to ambassadors and
update famsco ticket as well
* rbergeron to request input to be given over next two weeks to discuss
at nexst public board irc meeting
* jreznik_n9__ to start a discussion on the board mailing list re:
naming process
Action Items, by person
* jreznik_n9__
* jreznik_n9__ to start a discussion on the board mailing list re:
naming process
* rbergeron
* rbergeron to forward info re: TM guidelines draft to ambassadors and
update famsco ticket as well
* rbergeron to request input to be given over next two weeks to
discuss at nexst public board irc meeting
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (136)
* abadger1999 (53)
* jds2001 (30)
* spot (24)
* jreznik_n9__ (21)
* rdieter (13)
* Southern_Gentlem (13)
* ianweller (5)
* zodbot (5)
* rudi (4)
* ke4qqq (2)
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