Re: FUDcon Board Meeting

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On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 05:40:51AM +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 01/20/2012 11:30 PM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> > 
> > The Board considers and finds that duckduckgo is superior to google.  It
> > therefore says "when web searching within Fedora is configurable or
> > controlled by Fedora, it should default to using duckduckgo". 
> The board doesn't have to pass a edict.  Instead, board can pass a
> recommendation to consider it. Discuss it with the involved people if
> necessary.  Maintainers can always take decisions. The purpose of the
> board is to consider decisions for Fedora on the whole instead of every
> maintainer of every browser in Fedora doing it as per their choice.  It
> isn't about asking for permission really.  It is about having a place to
> decide project wide things that aren't within FESCo's domain.
A couple things:

1) There's no need to involve the Board if all you want is for the
maintainers and website team to consider it.  Cut out the middle man unless
you think that you and the maintainer are having difficulties communicating.

2) For technical decisions, fesco is the proper domain... I'm having a hard
time seeing how choice of default search engine inside of packages that
Fedora ships 

Is it that you think that the browsers within Fedora and the websites should
use the same search engine and in that case, the Board is the lowest common
denominator with power to try to make everyone do that?  I do not believe
the case has been made strongly enough for the Board to agree with you that
that is a goal worth the Board making a decision for the maintainers and
websites team at this point (if there were a search service which was free
software, then I think the Board might change their minds but that's not the
case here.)  If you feel this is your position and you can make your case
better, then by all means, please do.

> As far as setting precedent, the board has made decisions which have
> turned out to be unpopular ( ex: codec buddy ).  I rather have a board
> that makes decisions even if they are wrong at times rather than one
> afraid to be decisive at all.
Sure.  And I was thinking of just that example when I said that I would
rather the opposite.  codec buddy was not just unpopular.  It also wasn't
just wrong.  It was the Board acting in an area that rightly belonged to

As I said, I think that in this area we're going to have to agree that we
disagree on the relative merits of the Board taking action all the time.


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