Re: Going passive

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On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen <kanarip@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Tuesday, November 09, 2010 02:35:22 pm Adam Miller wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 12:20:02PM +0100, Sascha Thomas Spreitzer wrote:

> > Dear Fedorians,

> >

> > as I feel frustration about my work in Fedora and I do not agree with

> > todays Fedora governance and ruling system I am hereby taking the

> > logical step of stopping all my active contributions to this project.

> > One major point is that I feel exploited by RedHats installation of

> > the Fedora Project and I do not feel it is ok to contribute for a

> > companys benefit that is not equal to its project investment.

> >

> > Thats why I am saying goodbye, with the following sentence;

> > "Microsoft is the evil we know. Novell and Oracle is the evil we got

> > to know and Canonical and RedHat is the evil we will get to know."


> While I respect your wishes and desires to move on in life, I have to

> object to your statements about "Red Hat's installation of the Fedora

> Project and I do not feel it is ok to contribute for a companys benefit

> that is not equal to its project investment."


> Red Hat employs many Fedora contributors in order to contribute

> specifically to Fedora and that should be encouraged, not scoffed at. Red

> Hat also funds almost 100% of the infrastructure that allows those of us

> who contribute to contribute as well as their funding for all the

> ambassador efforts and many many other bits throughout the Fedora scape.


> I think the qualms that Red Hat is getting "something for nothing" isn't

> accurate of Red Hat but is in fact true of many companies that use open

> source in any way/shape/form for profit, but the difference is that Red

> Hat actually takes action and contributes back to the open source

> community in both code and content contribution as well as monetary

> funding, and for that reason I am happy to stand by their efforts and

> defend their name as an outsider of their organization and as a Fedora

> contributor.


I bet you can estimate how many holes I can make in your line of reasoning, and for the sake of argument, I won't. However, based on many, many incidents that -each by themselves- mean absolutely nothing, or may not seem to have all that much consequence, but together do indicate a larger problem, you can see where a certain perspective just doesn't meet another perspective. Once you realize that, more things become clearly visible.

Kind regards,


advisory-board mailing list

+1 for Jeroen

Dear Sascha,

It's obvious that if you really believe what you say, this [1] (a big hole in the line of reasoning), will ruin the open source world you say we can/do live in. It's the kernel. What next, quit Linux? Of course not! :)

Anyway, I don't believe that you really believe what you say. But I know you understand your sayings. I hope you reconsider how you face the particular problem(s) that has/have occurred to you. I think the Fedora community has shown that correct statement of thoughts is always welcome and valuable.


Konstantinos Antonakoglou
PGP key: 0xC9E2E16B
constanton @ freenode
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