Dear board, a question that got into my head about using Fedora Linux; - Is it needed to state the (accpetable) use of Fedora Linux somewhere? Fedora Linux includes several "Fedora" trademarked material which usage is restricted. I am asking myself whether using the compilation of source, binaries and media which results in the Fedora Linux is granted or must be granted and in which way? Please pardon me if it is a noob question, I am wondering about the situation of RedHat Enterprise Linux in usage comparison to Fedora Linux. virtuotic greetings, Sascha -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen / with kind regards, Sascha Thomas Spreitzer Warum mache ich überhaupt dieses ganze OpenSource Zeugs? Lesen Sie hier, warum; _______________________________________________ advisory-board mailing list advisory-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx