So it turns out that the get.fp.o redesign is ~99% done, which wasn't the case at the Beta readiness meeting. You can see the current status here: That reflects hourly updates from the git repo. The Websites string freeze period just started a couple of days ago, and I think that both Sijis and Mairin Duffy would be pleased to get this up for GA. The string freeze is there to prevent L10n people having to scramble at the last minute with translations. But given that we're only a couple of days in, we could probably square this with the L10n teams by asking them for their permission too. Additionally, any remaining minor work is CSS related and should not affect strings, meaning that those changes will not be translatable or cause the L10n folks any pain. Since I know the Board was keen to see this project progressing -- which it has thanks to a bunch of people -- I'm going to ask the Websites team about a string freeze exception, cc Infrastructure, ask L10n for concurrence, and report back. -- Paul W. Frields gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - - Where open source multiplies: _______________________________________________ advisory-board mailing list advisory-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx