For lack of a better place I picked this list for this message.
During my time in Fedora I have tried to help improve communication and
coordination between the various teams. I'm finding it increasingly
cumbersome to do this with our current set-up and present mailing lists.
Recent examples include the Release Readiness Meetings, Fedora 11
Retrospective, and the Zikula (CMS) project.
I'm not a big fan of creating "yet another mailing list" but I think in
this case it makes sense. Previously I've sent announcements to
fedora-advisory-board (f-a-b) and on other occasions created 8 separate
emails to 8 separate lists so as not to upset those sensitive to
cross-posting. I think f-a-b is the wrong place to make cross distro
announcements since its purpose is for transparent board discussion and
the overall direction of the project. On top of that the name doesn't
make sense and is not self-descriptive.
What I'd like to do is create a mailing list for the purpose of cross
project communication and coordination. The lead(s) from each team
would be subscribed and anyone else interested release coordination and
communication could also join. This would also be the mailing list
where decisions about whether all the teams are ready for launching a
particular test or final release would be captured.
I'm still looking for a good name for this mailing list--one that
conveys its purpose. Right now I'm leaning towards "fedora-release"
while also looking for any other good ideas out there.
fedora-advisory-board mailing list