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== QA Briefing ==
James Laska gave a briefing on QA efforts during F11, and planned
objectives for F12 and beyond.
== Questions & Answers ==
* nirik asked about any particulars regarding SSH vulnerability wrt. the
final intrusion report. No additional vulnerabilities were discovered
during the investigation.
* Sparks asked about the possibility of two-factor authentication for
the infrastructure. Problematic due to 100% FOSS requirement,
but the Board directed him to check in with Infrastructure
about it.
* gregdek asked whether the new QA team member in Beijing was going to
be able to help build community in China. jlaska indicated it was
possible, and wanted to discuss further out-of-band.
* rarora asked about yum performance and was directed to #yum since this
was a bit off topic for a Board issue.
* notting asked about the status of Asterisk meetings. mmcgrath will
have an Asterisk server based off F11 soon after release, but needs
more volunteer help getting a broadcast system off the ground.
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