Spot Callaway -- Fedora Engineering manager (present)
Máirín Duffy -- Art (covered by Ricky)
Dimitris Glezos -- Translation (regrets)
Paul Frields -- Fedora Project Leader (present)
Jesse Keating -- Release Engineering (present)
Mike McGrath -- Infrastructure (present)
Bill Nottingham -- Development/FESCo (present)
John Poelstra -- Organizer (present)
Jonathan Roberts -- Marketing
Max Spevack -- Ambassadors (covered by Karsten)
Karsten Wade -- Documentation (present)
Will Woods -- Quality Assurance (present)
Ricky Zhou -- Websites (present)
Things that we want to do better based on experience of Preview Release
--typo in mirror manager link
--do a manual click through of web pages
--Matt Domsch handled processes before, but he was unavailable
--process is documented now so others will know what to do
--better coordination of release day announcement
Mike McGrath
--ready to go
Karsten (representing Documentation and Ambassadors)
--would it be possible to get bits to ambassadors early for release parties?
--release notes final package went in
--translation of top 20 languages are more than 75% done
--most translation for any release date
--every team should be reviewing the release notes to make sure
everything is there that should be
--can get changes into zero-day update so there is still a little time
Will Woods
--RC is on the way and focused on install testing and collecting things
to put on common bugs page
--flip the release note flag for individual bugs if you believe a
release note should be added
Jesse Keating
--liveimages are available on alt.fedoraproject.org
--starting mash process and hope to have bits up
--please review list of tickets to make sure nothing has been missed
Bill Nottingham
--blocker list is clean
--we cannot say for sure at this point that we will not slip, but
overall things look okay
Ricky Zhou (representing Web and Art)
--translations coming in a little slowly, but hopefully will be done in time
--banners coming along
--would love help testing website updates
Spot Callaway
--doing hands-on live installs on in Westford on a variety of machines
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