Hi, after getting updated votes and doing a trademark search, it appears
that "Fedora Nightlife" is the new name for our community grid project.
I'll start getting the infrastructure (mailing lists, web pages) setup
for this.
Bryan Che wrote:
Hi, thanks to John Adams for generating an updated list of potential
names for the Fedora grid project. John's recommendations, in order, are:
Tier 1
1. Powernap
2. Nightlife
3. Awaken
Tier 2
1. PowerFarm
2. Think Tank
3. Slumber
Tier 3
1. Siesta
2. Underground
3. Swarm
Attached is his full list.
Please reply by Friday 5/16 with +1/0/-1 votes on names, and I'll take
the updated candidates to legal review afterwards.
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