Just a quick caveat:
We are putting these names out for feedback before passing them through
trademark clearance. The #1 rule of naming is not to fall in love with
anything before it clears, because that will undoubtedly be the name
that is unavailable! So, please remember that some or even most of
these names possibly / probably won't be available for use. But, your
feedback helps us prioritize the names that we will submit for legal
trademark search.
P.S. I'd be happy to explain the thinking / rationale behind any of
these name ideas, if anyone has questions.
Bryan Che wrote:
Hi, thanks to John Adams for generating an updated list of potential
names for the Fedora grid project. John's recommendations, in order,
Tier 1
1. Powernap
2. Nightlife
3. Awaken
Tier 2
1. PowerFarm
2. Think Tank
3. Slumber
Tier 3
1. Siesta
2. Underground
3. Swarm
Attached is his full list.
Please reply by Friday 5/16 with +1/0/-1 votes on names, and I'll take
the updated candidates to legal review afterwards.
John Q. Adams
Brand Manager | Red Hat
Brand Communications + Design
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