== Roll Call ==
Attendees: Paul Frields, Bill Nottingham, Chris Aillon, Matt Domsch,
Karsten Wade, Seth Vidal, John Poelstra, Jef Spaleta, Dennis Gilmore,
Steve Dickson
Regrets: Bob McWirther
== Followup to Previous Business ==
=== mail (2008-01-29) ===
* Take steps to approach changes that were requested in the past
* Could we create a better start and search page for Fedora mailing list?
* ACTION: check back on status in one month
* OWNER: Dennis Gilmore
* '''FOLLOWUP 2008-02-26'''
* Dennis has spoken with some people inside RHT IS
* should have no issues making a fedora branded interface to Red
Hats mailman instance and having a alias for fedora lists
* existing lists will stay where they are
* could migrate all mailing lists to in time time
if so desired
* driving forces here is:
1. making everything run Fedora
1. break ties to RHT IS which does not make Fedora a priority
* email addresses lost four days of email a
week ago and RHT did nothing to try and remedy the problem
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-03-25'''
* No update at this time
* OWNER: Dennis needs to sit down and work things out with Red Hat IS
* Next followup on 2008-04-29
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-04-29'''
* No update at this time
* Dennis will file a ticket with Red Hat IS to make sure things
get attention and scheduled
== Open Conversation ==
* Codeina
* Formulate a high level approach as a Board before we go back to
community with what is desired
* Let the community come up with the technical solution.
* One potential solution discussed so far in the community is
tie-in with PackageKit
* On tickler to revisit once F9 ships
* Spins
* No major updates
* FUDCon would be a great next place to have in person conversations
about where things are going
== Next Meeting ==
* IRC on 2008-05-06
* A good time to do a recap on what was better or worse in the Fedora
9 compared to other release cycles
* OWNER: Paul Frields
* ACTION: Send out announcement
fedora-advisory-board mailing list