== Roll Call ==
Attendees: Bill Nottingham, Steve Dickson, Paul Frields, Seth Vidal, Jef
Spaleta, John Poelstra, Chris Aillon, Karsten Wade
Regrets: Dennis Gilmore, Matt Domsch, Bob McWirther
== Followup to Previous Business ==
=== Post-release updates of custom spins (2008-01-29) ===
* Should the board have to approve them?
* We will hosts as many spins as we have space for
* Need to determine the hosting requirements and limits
* How long will spins stay around?
* ACTION: Jef to review Rahul's proposal and report back to board
* OWNER: Jef Spaleta
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-02-12'''
* Jef is waiting for feedback from Jeremy Katz on release
engineering's perspective
* Reference:
* People are still not clear on exactly what is required to create
an official "Fedora Spin"
* Need a clear list of guidelines of what a spin owner is
responsible for and what they are required to test
* Hoping a test will come from Jeremy Katz as part of feedback
from release engineering
* We are only talking about spins that use GA packages, thus testing
for GA should have given us enough comfort that risk is minimized
* We only need to be concerned with new combination of packages
that a spin would present
* Paul Frields--followup with Fedora Release Engineering and QA
contingent to discuss testing requirements
* Jef Spaleta to formulate specific guidelines for review prior
to or at next board meeting (dependent on feedback from release engineering)
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-02-19'''
* Crux of issue right now is figuring out exactly what input
release engineering is supposed to be giving
* Jef will have a writeup to the board by next meeting
* Paul will be at the Red Hat office in Westford, MA next week and
can sit down and work out any of the remaining details with Jeremy,
Jesse, Will, etc.
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-02-26'''
* releng has created
* Jef has input from Rahul and plans to start writing a draft
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-03-04'''
* Jef posting proposal to fedora-advisory-board-list:
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-03-11'''
* Jef posting updated proposal to fedora-advisory-board-list
today and ongoing discussion will continue on fedora-advisory-board-list:
1. Solidify rest of the policy this week
1. Board to vote on proposal at next meeting
=== Google Start Page (2008-02-19) ===
* Project has changed ownership within Red Hat to Greg Dekoenigsberg
* No final decision has been made since idea was first proposed
* Go forward possibilities:
1. Generic click-through agreement--
* very limited overhead
* fedora branded start search page
* use existing Fedora start page--just sign it up with Google
* no exclusivity commitment
* no commitment to continue relationship
1. Customized arrangement
* long term commitment
* exclusivity commitment
1. Do nothing
* Revenue could be used to finance Fedora's operations
* DECISION: explore option #1 and see what kind of numbers Fedora is
* OWNERS: Max and Greg
1. Greg to find out what needs to be done on the google side to
move things along
1. Max to explore financial aspects of receiving funds and
allocating them to Fedora
* '''RESOLVED on 2008-03-11'''
* Update from Greg DeKoenigsberg that a mutually beneficial
relationship cannot be established
=== Codeina (2008-02-26) ===
* Still not comfortable that we are pointing people to content that is
not "Free and Open Source software"
* Cannot suitably fix codeina in the Fedora 9 time frame
1. Review email thread:
1. Move discussion to fedora-advisory-board list to formulate a
solution there
1. Propose patching out other for sale non-free plugins
1. Bill Nottingham to make sure that live spin includes codeina
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-03-11'''
* Majority board vote in favor of patching out all other ''for
sale'' non-free plugins leaving the freely available mp3 codec
1. Three members absent
1. One abstention
* Paul to check with codeina maintainer (Bastien Nocera) and Fluendo
(Thomas Vander Stichele)
* Paul to send followup to fedora-advisory-board-list
== New Business ==
=== Public IRC Meeting ===
* Thoughts how meeting went
* Next time limit board discussion in the public channel and maintain
focus in main channel
* Next public meeting will be on IRC on Tuesday 2008-04-01
* Paul to check with Infrastructure for status of audio ability
* Steve to send mail to f-a-b seeking feedback from community
== Future Business (discuss at a future meeting) ==
=== Next Meeting ===
* Date: 2008-03-18
* Time: 14:00 EDT
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