== Roll Call ==
Attendees: Paul Frields, Steve Dickson, Matt Domsch, Greg Dekoenigsberg,
Dennis Gilmore, John Poelstra, Max Spevack, Seth Vidal, Bill Nottingham,
Karsten Wade, Jef Spaleta
Regrets: Bob McWirther, Chris Aillon
== Followup to Previous Business ==
=== LWN 10th Birthday (2008-02-12) ===
* Board voted to make contribute to LWN in commemoration of its 10th
* Contribution went toward purchasing 75 subscriptions which start on
March 1, 2008
* In the future (when there is more lead time) look into ways to use
things like this as rewards for strong Fedora leadership and community
* OWNER: Jef Spaleta
* ACTION: Jef to followup Max Spevack who made original arrangements
and then post to fedora-advisory-board list soliciting feedback on the
best way to create a lottery to give these out to Fedora people who can
use them.
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-02-19'''
* Max will have admin account to give out subscriptions and will
also give Jef admin rights
* Jef to send out to email to fedora-advisory-board list (today).
If nothing by the end of the week then accept requests for a week or two
and then hold a lottery
=== Resolving Open Questions to Legal (2008-01-13) ===
* Go forward plan for open queries to Red Hat legal department
* Goals are to:
1. Close out '''all''' existing questions to legal
1. Use less board meeting time discussing legal questions that board
isn't qualified to resolve
1. Create easily referenced archive of previous questions and
answers from legal for current and future board members
* Fedora Board will hold special meetings to discuss and resolve open
legal questions
* Collect all answers in advance from legal
* Hold monthly, every other month or on an ''as needed'' basis
* Invite Spot and representative from Red Hat legal
* Raise any unresolved legal issues not being tracked ASAP
* OWNER: Paul Frields
1. Collect remaining open questions
1. Send questions to legal
1. Collect answers from legal
1. Create archive of previous questions and answers from legal
1. Add new answers to archive
1. Hold special legal meeting
=== Post-release updates of custom spins (2008-01-29) ===
* Should the board have to approve them?
* We will hosts as many spins as we have space for
* Need to determine the hosting requirements and limits
* How long will spins stay around?
* ACTION: Jef to review Rahul's proposal and report back to board
* OWNER: Jef Spaleta
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-02-12'''
* Jef is waiting for feedback from Jeremy Katz on release
engineering's perspective
* Reference:
* People are still not clear on exactly what is required to create
an official "Fedora Spin"
* Need a clear list of guidelines of what a spin owner is
responsible for and what they are required to test
* Hoping a test will come from Jeremy Katz as part of feedback
from release engineering
* We are only talking about spins that use GA packages, thus testing
for GA should have given us enough comfort that risk is minimized
* We only need to be concerned with new combination of packages
that a spin would present
* Paul Frields--followup with Fedora Release Engineering and QA
contingent to discuss testing requirements
* Jef Spaleta to formulate specific guidelines for review prior
to or at next board meeting (dependent on feedback from release engineering)
* '''FOLLOWUP on 2008-02-19'''
* Crux of issue right now is figuring out exactly what input
release engineering is supposed to be giving
* Jef will have a writeup to the board by next meeting
* Paul will be at the Red Hat office in Westford, MA next week and
can sit down and work out any of the remaining details with Jeremy,
Jesse, Will, etc.
== New Business ==
=== Google Start Page ===
* Project has changed ownership within Red Hat to Greg Dekoenigsberg
* No final decision has been made since idea was first proposed
* Go forward possibilities:
1. Generic click-through agreement--
* very limited overhead
* fedora branded start search page
* use existing Fedora start page--just sign it up with Google
* no exclusivity commitment
* no commitment to continue relationship
1. Customized arrangement
* long term commitment
* exclusivity commitment
1. Do nothing
* Revenue could be used to finance Fedora's operations
* DECISION: explore option #1 and see what kind of numbers Fedora is
* OWNERS: Max and Greg
1. Greg to find out what needs to be done on the google side to
move things along
1. Max to explore financial aspects of receiving funds and
allocating them to Fedora
=== Secondary Arch Hosting ===
* Can Fedora host binaries for secondary architectures?
* Change from original proposal
* makes it easier to get new mirrors and use mirror manager
* DECISION: board approves of Fedora hosting binaries for secondary
=== Trademark Usage By Non-Profit Organizations ===
* Use of Fedora trademark by non-profit organizations
* Fedora ambassadors in Europe are working on setting up a non-profit
* Board would prefer detailed reporting on a quarterly basis
* Board would ask people not to flood the board requests for six
months so that existing requests and be addressed
* OWNER: Paul Frields
1. Send draft policy to fedora-board-list
1. Collaboratively modify draft on list and reach consensus vote
1. Upon approval post to fedora-advisory-board list and
fedora-ambassadors-list as public notice
1. Inform Fedora EMEA Ambassadors of the "yes" vote
== Future Business (discuss at a future meeting) ==
=== Next Meeting ===
* TIME: 11:00 EST
* DATE: Tuesday, 2008-02-26
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