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The text:
Max and I just spent a half-hour with the lovely and talented Leigh Day.
She is the guru of Red Hat PR. She is also the person in charge of the Red
Hat Summit. The topic of our discussion: the future of FUDCon.
We've been having FUDCons now for almost three years. They've always been
relatively ad hoc affairs, happening whenever the time has seemed right to
have one. In the beginning, that's exactly how they had to be, if they
were going to happen at all.
But now the Fedora community is larger and more established, and Fedora
has taken its place as the leading innovator in the world of Linux
distributions. The release process has improved to a point where Fedora
release dates will be highly predictable; the new feature process is
evolving to be more inclusive and more effective; and now it's time to
make sure that FUDCon is at the heart of this process.
Here's the current proposal, then, for the future of the big FUDCons. If
you don't like these proposals, fill up my blog with complaints,
criticisms, conuter-proposals, etc. You know the drill.
1. Next proposed FUDCon: January 11-13, 2008, at Red Hat HQ in Raleigh.
Yeah, not that exciting, but we have the space, we have the time to make
it happen, it's at a reasonably good time in the Fedora cycle, and Max and
I know all the best bars.
2. Next proposed FUDCon after that: June 18-21, 2008, in Boston, at the
Hynes Convention Center. Associated with the Red Hat Summit, but without
the hefty fees. :) Attendance free to all community folks. At a *really*
good time in the release cycle.
3. In future, there will be more Red Hat Summits, all over the world. And
the rule of thumb will be: where there is a Summit, there is a FUDCon,
attendance free for community folls. If it's not a perfect time in the
release cycle, that's ok; it's still a great excuse to get smart Fedora
folks together, buy them some drinks, and Get Something Done.
4. In future, there will always be a FUDCon in December (about 6 weeks
after the annual Halloween release) and June (about 6 weeks after the
annual May Day release).
Feedback welcome and encouraged. Lemme know.
Comments here or on my blog are encouraged.
Greg DeKoenigsberg
Community Development Manager
Red Hat, Inc. :: 1-919-754-4255
"To whomsoever much hath been given...
...from him much shall be asked"
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