== Roll Call ==
Attendees Max Spevack, Seth Vidal, John Poelstra, Matt Domsch, Steve
Dickson, Bill Nottingham, Jef Spaleta, Karsten Wade, and Dennis Gilmore
Absent: Chris Blizzard, Chris Aillon
== Summer of Content ==
* Fedora would like to participate and cosponsor
* Put forth 3 or 4 internships
* On a short time line (3 weeks)--will need to identify people in advance
* Karsten Wade to make it all happen
== Fedora Training Program ==
* Online program is under design internally for Red Hat employees that
package for Fedora
* Will be made available publicly for everyone once completed
== Virtual FUDCon ==
* Still would like to do it
* Jef will look at feature drivers over the next few days and
collaborate with Rahul
* Check back in with board on Thursday to double-check on viability
== Fedora Mailing List (Re)Organization ==
* Working out most details on fedora-advisory-board list
* Renaming of mailing lists is a not a road we want to go down
a. Reasons discussed on fedora-advisory-board list
a. Needless hassle for little gain + loss of contributors
* Use alias
* Keep mailing lists inside Red Hat infrastructure
* Do not fix what is not broken
* Fedora Infrastructure is the liaison, manages community mailing
list requests
== Membership to fedora-board-list ==
* Should previous board members remain on fedora-board-list after
their term is complete?
* Current members will vote on fedora-board-list to decide
* Max to organize and tally the votes
== GPLv3 Discussion ==
* Karsten will start drafting a wiki page that addresses important issues
* Keep an eye on projects making license changes
* Have FESCo investigate the best way to track license by package
fedora-advisory-board mailing list