Paul W. Frields wrote:
No one has said much about Patrick's wiki page:
I agreed to drive this project definition problem... My personal
viewpoint is that, like logo usage, we want to be generous but
protective about the Fedora name. I prefer that the "Ideas" listed in
this page be promoted to "SIGs" since not only do we have a couple, but
"Ideas" sounds a little dismissive. "SIG" gives the contributors an
immediate feeling of group ownership. Once a SIG has more plans they
can be owned by an official subproject until they are ready to move on,
if that's necessary. Input please?
(As I said somewhere else... (: ...) I agree with these sentiments to
keep things simple and stick with only SIG/Project labels. Otherwise,
IMO, the only item in need of clarifying is who exactly does "Project"
announcements (ie, the Board or the parent Project).
-- Rex
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