That was a pretty good summary, Rahul.
Although you "doubt any question would be phrased that way", I believe
we should be ready for it.
Just my 0,02!
Rahul wrote:
David Barzilay wrote:
Nice move, Max.
We can never stop online hoaxes or misinformed articles, so I also
believe we should always opt for the clarifying method.
People speculate a bunch, we explain whassup, then judgement is up to
the readers ;)
Now my question: do you intend to go against the assumption that Red
Hat "neglected its Fedora desktop users"?
Better to wait for the questions to be asked before speculating. I
doubt any question would be phrased that way. Fedora is not even in
the picture when Red Hat supposedly abandoned the desktop since people
equated the retail model with desktop usage and Fedora is not a retail
commercially supported product.
Having said that, the number of new efforts that Red Hat or people in
Red Hat has created (and continue to work on) around the desktop
(, hal, dbus, Network Manager, GTK, Large amount of
GNOME etc is good enough a proof that Red Hat is willing to invest
very heavily in the desktop.
There is a question of better integration in existing products that
goes beyond Red Hat's upstream project involvement though. Random
examples of this are Network Manager being shipped enabled by default
in various other distributions while Fedora does not. Dogtail just got
into Fedora development tree yesterday. Sabayon is in Fedora Extras
Red Hat's launch of purely desktop (and laptop) focused commercial
products if any is ever done depend on solid business value. We will
get to that point soon I hope.
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