The two potential FUDCon's on the table:
1. FUDCon Silicon Valley (October-ish 2006)
Current Owners: Max Spevack, Greg DeKoenigsberg
- Will hear back from Stanford by end of week if they are able to be our
host, and hopefully nail down the date.
- If not, we will contact San Jose State University, as Fedora has some
ties to their LUG.
- Considering a format
- Planet CCRMA, Creative Commons potentially for keynotes. Max's dream is
to get Lawrence Lessig to speak.
2. FUDCon Brazil (Early 2007 ???)
Current Owners: Max Spevack, David Barzilay
- Early discussion, planning phase with various folks down in Brazil.
They recommend the 2007 timeframe, for planning purposes, and also due to
the general conference schedule in that region.
Max Spevack
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