On Tuesday 06 June 2006 20:39, Max Spevack wrote: > The summary from today's Fedora Project Board meeting is now available on > the wiki. Hi Board ;-) From the meeting: == We want to hold a FUDCon in Brazil. The nature/schedule of that FUDCon is going to depend on interest from the Brazilians, and from the local Ambassadors who will be responsible for a lot of the legwork. Similarly, if GregDeKoenigsberg and MaxSpevack want to try out different models for FUDCon (code sprints, open conferences, etc.) they should work on organizing something like that in the US, where it is close to home for them and they can easily coordinate/lead it. ACTION ITEM: MaxSpevack to begin FUDCon Brazil conversation with the Brazilian Ambassadors and ChristopherBlizzard. == I'm really glad to see this. We have a lots of events here and not one specially dedicated for Fedora Users. The Ambassadors are always organizing Fedora presence in some of the greatest events here and we are having pretty good results (specially for support and colaboration with our brazilian team). We have some good event skills, so we can help on the "legwork" a lot. If you need to contact us and begin talking about this, you can find all ambassadors and Fedora colaborators here in Brazil gathered in the mailing list: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/admindb/fedora-mktg-brazil (Don't mind the Portuguese mails, we can talk in English too) Or maybe use the Ambassadors list. You can choose. We also began having weekly meetings in IRC, channel #fedora-br under irc.freenode.net. Since today we'll have a meeting, I'm putting this under discussion with priority. Count on me and the brazilian ambassadors for everything regarding this :-) We'll make sure the event will be great! -- []'s Eitch http://www.devin.com.br/eitch/ "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds