fix for suse install on virtinst 0.3

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I'm running a CentOS 5.2 xen dom0 with opensuse 10.3 paravirutalized
guests. I've been using my own installation script in the past, but have
decided to give virt-install a whirl with autoyast.

It got to the point where it downloads the ls-lR.gz file and looks for the
kernel RPM, and fails.

Looking at the code, I was a little puzzled as to why it's trying to
extract a kernel rpm and built an initrd when one already exists in the
opensuse 10.3 install tree.... so I wrote a quick patch that basically
just removed the wacky code and added the paths:

+        kernelpath = "boot/i386/vmlinuz-xenpae"
+        initrdpath = "boot/i386/initrd-xenpae"

(this is obviously just for i386, might want to do something a little more
elaborate to detect if arch is x86_64)

This patch is against the CentOS 5.2 distribution package:
python-virtinst-0.300.2-8.el5 and it works for me beautifully now.

Feedback is welcome.


---     2008-09-12 06:33:50.000000000 -0600
+++ 2008-09-12 07:52:07.000000000 -0600
@@ -115,199 +115,25 @@ class CentOSDistro(RedHatDistro):

-# Suse  image store is harder - we fetch the kernel RPM and a helper
-# RPM and then munge bits together to generate a initrd
+# Suse image store contains xen images, like redhat, under a different
+# path. We don't need to fetch the kernel RPM and a helper RPM and then
+# munge bits together to generate a initrd ... that's just wacky
 class SuseDistro(Distro):
-    def acquireBootDisk(self, fetcher, progresscb):
-        return fetcher.acquireFile("boot/boot.iso", progresscb)

     def acquireKernel(self, fetcher, progresscb):
-        kernelrpm = None
-        installinitrdrpm = None
-        filelist = None
-        try:
-            # There is no predictable filename for kernel/install-initrd RPMs
-            # so we have to grok the filelist and find them
-            filelist = fetcher.acquireFile("ls-lR.gz", progresscb)
-            (kernelrpmname, installinitrdrpmname) = self.extractRPMNames(filelist)
-            # Now fetch the two RPMs we want
-            kernelrpm = fetcher.acquireFile(kernelrpmname, progresscb)
-            installinitrdrpm = fetcher.acquireFile(installinitrdrpmname, progresscb)
+        kernelpath = "boot/i386/vmlinuz-xenpae"
+        initrdpath = "boot/i386/initrd-xenpae"

-            # Process the RPMs to extract the kernel & generate an initrd
-            return self.buildKernelInitrd(fetcher, kernelrpm, installinitrdrpm, progresscb)
-        finally:
-            if filelist is not None:
-                os.unlink(filelist)
-            if kernelrpm is not None:
-                os.unlink(kernelrpm)
-            if installinitrdrpm is not None:
-                os.unlink(installinitrdrpm)
-    # We need to parse the ls-lR.gz file, looking for the kernel &
-    # install-initrd RPM entries - capturing the directory they are
-    # in and the version'd filename.
-    def extractRPMNames(self, filelist):
-        filelistData = gzip.GzipFile(filelist, mode = "r")
+        kernel = fetcher.acquireFile(kernelpath, progresscb)
-            arch = os.uname()[4]
-            arches = [arch]
-            # On i686 arch, we also look under i585 and i386 dirs
-            # in case the RPM is built for a lesser arch. We also
-            # need the PAE variant (for Fedora dom0 at least)
-            #
-            # XXX shouldn't hard code that dom0 is PAE
-            if arch == "i686":
-                arches.append("i586")
-                arches.append("i386")
-                kernelname = "kernel-xenpae"
-            installinitrdrpm = None
-            kernelrpm = None
-            dir = None
-            while 1:
-                data = filelistData.readline()
-                if not data:
-                    break
-                if dir is None:
-                    for arch in arches:
-                        wantdir = "/suse/" + arch
-                        if data == "." + wantdir + ":\n":
-                            dir = wantdir
-                            break
-                else:
-                    if data == "\n":
-                        dir = None
-                    else:
-                        if data[:5] != "total":
-                            filename = re.split("\s+", data)[8]
-                            if filename[:14] == "install-initrd":
-                                installinitrdrpm = dir + "/" + filename
-                            elif filename[:len(kernelname)] == kernelname:
-                                kernelrpm = dir + "/" + filename
-            if kernelrpm is None:
-                raise _("Unable to determine kernel RPM path")
-            if installinitrdrpm is None:
-                raise _("Unable to determine install-initrd RPM path")
-            return (kernelrpm, installinitrdrpm)
-        finally:
-            filelistData.close()
-    # We have a kernel RPM and a install-initrd RPM with a generic initrd in it
-    # Now we have to munge the two together to build an initrd capable of
-    # booting the installer.
-    #
-    # Yes, this is crazy ass stuff :-)
-    def buildKernelInitrd(self, fetcher, kernelrpm, installinitrdrpm, progresscb):
-        progresscb.start(text=_("Building initrd"), size=11)
-        progresscb.update(1)
-        cpiodir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="virtinstcpio.", dir=self.scratchdir)
-        try:
-            # Extract the kernel RPM contents
-            os.mkdir(cpiodir + "/kernel")
-            cmd = "cd " + cpiodir + "/kernel && (rpm2cpio " + kernelrpm + " | cpio --quiet -idm)"
-            logging.debug("Running " + cmd)
-            os.system(cmd)
-            progresscb.update(2)
-            # Determine the raw kernel version
-            kernelinfo = None
-            for f in os.listdir(cpiodir + "/kernel/boot"):
-                if f.startswith(""):
-                    kernelinfo = re.split("-", f)
-            kernel_override = kernelinfo[1] + "-override-" + kernelinfo[3]
-            kernel_version = kernelinfo[1] + "-" + kernelinfo[2] + "-" + kernelinfo[3]
-            logging.debug("Got kernel version " + str(kernelinfo))
-            # Build a list of all .ko files
-            modpaths = {}
-            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cpiodir + "/kernel/lib/modules", topdown=False):
-                for name in files:
-                    if name.endswith(".ko"):
-                        modpaths[name] = os.path.join(root, name)
-            progresscb.update(3)
-            # Extract the install-initrd RPM contents
-            os.mkdir(cpiodir + "/installinitrd")
-            cmd = "cd " + cpiodir + "/installinitrd && (rpm2cpio " + installinitrdrpm + " | cpio --quiet -idm)"
-            logging.debug("Running " + cmd)
-            os.system(cmd)
-            progresscb.update(4)
-            # Read in list of mods required for initrd
-            modnames = []
-            fn = open(cpiodir + "/installinitrd/usr/lib/install-initrd/" + kernelinfo[3] + "/module.list", "r")
-            try:
-                while 1:
-                    line = fn.readline()
-                    if not line:
-                        break
-                    line = line[:len(line)-1]
-                    modnames.append(line)
-            finally:
-                fn.close()
-            progresscb.update(5)
-            # Uncompress the basic initrd
-            cmd = "gunzip -c " + cpiodir + "/installinitrd/usr/lib/install-initrd/initrd-base.gz > " + cpiodir + "/initrd.img"
-            logging.debug("Running " + cmd)
-            os.system(cmd)
-            progresscb.update(6)
-            # Create temp tree to hold stuff we're adding to initrd
-            moddir = cpiodir + "/initrd/lib/modules/" + kernel_override + "/initrd/"
-            moddepdir = cpiodir + "/initrd/lib/modules/" + kernel_version
-            os.makedirs(moddir)
-            os.makedirs(moddepdir)
-            os.symlink("../" + kernel_override, moddepdir + "/updates")
-            os.symlink("lib/modules/" + kernel_override + "/initrd", cpiodir + "/initrd/modules")
-            cmd = "cp " + cpiodir + "/installinitrd/usr/lib/install-initrd/" + kernelinfo[3] + "/module.config" + " " + moddir
-            logging.debug("Running " + cmd)
-            os.system(cmd)
-            progresscb.update(7)
-            # Copy modules we need into initrd staging dir
-            for modname in modnames:
-                if modpaths.has_key(modname):
-                    src = modpaths[modname]
-                    dst = moddir + "/" + modname
-                    os.system("cp " + src + " " + dst)
-            progresscb.update(8)
-            # Run depmod across the staging area
-            cmd = "depmod -a -b " + cpiodir + "/initrd -F " + cpiodir + "/kernel/boot/" + kernel_version + " " + kernel_version
-            logging.debug("Running " + cmd)
-            os.system(cmd)
-            progresscb.update(9)
-            # Add the extra modules to the basic initrd
-            cmd = "cd " + cpiodir + "/initrd && ( find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc -A -F " + cpiodir + "/initrd.img)"
-            logging.debug("Running " + cmd)
-            os.system(cmd)
-            progresscb.update(10)
-            # Compress the final initrd
-            cmd = "gzip -f9N " + cpiodir + "/initrd.img"
-            logging.debug("Running " + cmd)
-            os.system(cmd)
-            progresscb.end(11)
-            # Save initrd & kernel to temp files for booting...
-            initrdname = fetcher.saveTemp(open(cpiodir + "/initrd.img.gz", "r"), "initrd.img")
-            logging.debug("Saved " + initrdname)
-            try:
-                kernelname = fetcher.saveTemp(open(cpiodir + "/kernel/boot/vmlinuz-" + kernel_version, "r"), "vmlinuz")
-                logging.debug("Saved " + kernelname)
-                return (kernelname, initrdname, "install=" + fetcher.location)
-            except:
-                os.unlink(initrdname)
-        finally:
-            #pass
-            os.system("rm -rf " + cpiodir)
+            initrd = fetcher.acquireFile(initrdpath, progresscb)
+            # Local host path, so can't pass a location to guest for install method
+            return (kernel, initrd, "")
+        except:
+            os.unlink(kernel)

+    def acquireBootDisk(self, fetcher, progresscb):
+        return fetcher.acquireFile("boot/boot.iso", progresscb)

     def isValidStore(self, fetcher, progresscb):
         # Suse distros always have a 'directory.yast' file in the top
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