[PATCH 4/6] Make VirtualDisk libvirt storage aware

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The following patch fixes up VirtualDisk validation and
adds options for specifying libvirt managed storage.

The whole validation mechanism is fixed to allow setting
properties outside of object init time and still having
useful validation. A lot of documentation is added as well.

The main interface changes are as follows (ripped from the
code docs):


If creating a disk object from an existing local block
device or file, a path is all that should be required. If you want to
create a local file, a size also needs to be specified.

The remote case is a bit more complex. The options are:
    1. A libvirt virStorageVol instance (passed as 'volObject') for an
       existing storage volume.
    2. A virtinst L{StorageVolume} instance for creating a volume (passed
       as 'volInstall').
    3. An active connection ('conn') and a path to a storage volume on
       that connection.
    4. An active connection and a tuple of the form ("poolname",
       "volumename") (passed as 'volName')

For the last two cases, the lookup will be performed, and 'vol_object'
will be set to the returned virStorageVol. All the above cases also
work on a local connection as well, the only difference being that
option 3 won't neccessarily error out if the volume isn't found.


This is a pretty ugly patch, I was changing several things
at once, sorry. I've tried to test all new and old use cases
and the code seems to be pretty solid.

# HG changeset patch
# User "Cole Robinson <crobinso@xxxxxxxxxx>"
# Date 1217985776 14400
# Node ID af1d6e45fe9f59dbc03e2f00a5f918390a2fe097
# Parent  c98567a840436ff1ef8e81de130510e09606c2a6
Make VirtualDisk storage api aware. Actually document the API. Move to be a subclass of VirtualDevice.

diff -r c98567a84043 -r af1d6e45fe9f virtinst/VirtualDisk.py
--- a/virtinst/VirtualDisk.py	Tue Aug 05 21:22:04 2008 -0400
+++ b/virtinst/VirtualDisk.py	Tue Aug 05 21:22:56 2008 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright 2006-2007  Red Hat, Inc.
+# Classes for building disk device xml
+# Copyright 2006-2008  Red Hat, Inc.
 # Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -17,120 +19,160 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 # MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import os, os.path
-import statvfs
-import stat, sys, time
-import re
+import os, stat, statvfs
 import libxml2
-import urlgrabber.progress as progress
-import util
+import logging
 import libvirt
 import __builtin__
+import util
+import Storage
+from VirtualDevice import VirtualDevice
 from virtinst import _virtinst as _
-import logging
+class VirtualDisk(VirtualDevice):
+    """
+    Builds a libvirt domain disk xml description
-class VirtualDisk:
+    The VirtualDisk class is used for building libvirt domain xml descriptions
+    for disk devices. If creating a disk object from an existing local block
+    device or file, a path is all that should be required. If you want to
+    create a local file, a size also needs to be specified.
+    The remote case is a bit more complex. The options are:
+        1. A libvirt virStorageVol instance (passed as 'volObject') for an
+           existing storage volume.
+        2. A virtinst L{StorageVolume} instance for creating a volume (passed
+           as 'volInstall').
+        3. An active connection ('conn') and a path to a storage volume on
+           that connection.
+        4. An active connection and a tuple of the form ("poolname",
+           "volumename")
+    For the last two cases, the lookup will be performed, and 'vol_object'
+    will be set to the returned virStorageVol. All the above cases also
+    work on a local connection as well, the only difference being that
+    option 3 won't neccessarily error out if the volume isn't found.
+    __init__ and setting all properties performs lots of validation,
+    and will throw ValueError's if problems are found.
+    """
     DRIVER_FILE = "file"
     DRIVER_PHY = "phy"
     DRIVER_TAP = "tap"
+    driver_names = [DRIVER_FILE, DRIVER_PHY, DRIVER_TAP]
     DRIVER_TAP_RAW = "aio"
     DRIVER_TAP_QCOW = "qcow"
     DRIVER_TAP_VMDK = "vmdk"
     DEVICE_DISK = "disk"
     DEVICE_CDROM = "cdrom"
     DEVICE_FLOPPY = "floppy"
     TYPE_FILE = "file"
     TYPE_BLOCK = "block"
+    types = [TYPE_FILE, TYPE_BLOCK]
-    def __init__(self, path = None, size = None, transient=False, type=None, device=DEVICE_DISK, driverName=None, driverType=None, readOnly=False, sparse=True):
-        """@path is the path to the disk image.
-           @size is the size of the disk image in gigabytes."""
-        self.size = size
-        self.sparse = sparse
+    def __init__(self, path=None, size=None, transient=False, type=None,
+                 device=DEVICE_DISK, driverName=None, driverType=None,
+                 readOnly=False, sparse=True, conn=None, volObject=None,
+                 volInstall=None, volName=None):
+        """
+        @param path: filesystem path to the disk image.
+        @type path: C{str}
+        @param size: size of local file to create in gigabytes
+        @type size: C{int} or C{long} or C{float}
+        @param transient: whether to keep disk around after guest install
+        @type transient: C{bool}
+        @param type: disk media type (file, block, ...)
+        @type type: C{str}
+        @param device: Emulated device type (disk, cdrom, floppy, ...)
+        @type device: member of devices
+        @param driverName: name of driver
+        @type driverName: member of driver_names
+        @param driverType: type of driver
+        @type driverType: member of driver_types
+        @param readOnly: Whether emulated disk is read only
+        @type readOnly: C{bool}
+        @param sparse: Create file as a sparse file
+        @type sparse: C{bool}
+        @param conn: Connection disk is being installed on
+        @type conn: libvirt.virConnect
+        @param volObject: libvirt storage volume object to use
+        @type volObject: libvirt.virStorageVol
+        @param volInstall: StorageVolume instance to build for new storage
+        @type volInstall: L{StorageVolume}
+        """
+        VirtualDevice.__init__(self, conn=conn)
+        self.set_read_only(readOnly, validate=False)
+        self.set_sparse(sparse, validate=False)
+        self.set_type(type, validate=False)
+        self.set_device(device, validate=False)
+        self._set_path(path, validate=False)
+        self._set_size(size, validate=False)
+        self._set_vol_object(volObject, validate=False)
+        self._set_vol_install(volInstall, validate=False)
         self.transient = transient
-        self.path = path
-        self._type = type
-        self._readOnly = readOnly
-        self._device = device
         self._driverName = driverName
         self._driverType = driverType
         self.target = None
-        # Reset type variable as the builtin function
-        type = __builtin__.type
+        if volName:
+            self.__lookup_vol_name(volName)
-        if self._device == self.DEVICE_CDROM:
-            self._readOnly = True
+        self.__validate_params()
-        # Only floppy or cdrom can be created w/o media
-        if self.path is None:
-            if device != self.DEVICE_FLOPPY and device != self.DEVICE_CDROM:
-                raise ValueError, _("Disk type '%s' requires a path") % device
-            return
-        # Basic path validation
-        if type(self.path) is not str:
-            raise ValueError, _("The %s path must be a string or None.") % \
-                              self._device
-        self.path = os.path.abspath(self.path)
-        if os.path.isdir(self.path):
-            raise ValueError, _("The %s path must be a file or a device, not a directory") % self._device
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """
+        prints a simple string representation for the disk instance
+        """
+        return "%s:%s" %(self.type, self.path)
-        # Main distinction: does path exist or not?
-        if os.path.exists(self.path):
-            logging.debug("VirtualDisk path exists.")
-            # Determine disk type
-            if stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(self.path)[stat.ST_MODE]):
-                logging.debug("Path is block file: Assuming Block disk type.")
-                newtype = VirtualDisk.TYPE_BLOCK
-            else:
-                newtype = VirtualDisk.TYPE_FILE
-            if self._type is not None and self._type != newtype:
-                raise ValueError, _("Path is not specified type '%s'." % \
-                                    self._type)
-            self._type = newtype
+    def _get_path(self):
+        return self._path
+    def _set_path(self, val, validate=True):
+        if val is not None:
+            self._check_str(val, "path")
+            val = os.path.abspath(val)
+        self.__validate_wrapper("_path", val, validate)
+    path = property(_get_path, _set_path)
-        else:
-            logging.debug("VirtualDisk path does not exist.")
-            if self._device == self.DEVICE_FLOPPY or \
-               self._device == self.DEVICE_CDROM:
-                raise ValueError, _("The %s path must exist.") % self._device
-            if self._type is self.TYPE_BLOCK:
-                raise ValueError, _("Block device path must exist.")
-            self._type = self.TYPE_FILE
-            # Path doesn't exist: make sure we have write access to dir
-            if not os.access(os.path.dirname(self.path), os.W_OK):
-                raise ValueError, _("No write access to directory '%s'") % \
-                                  os.path.dirname(self.path)
-            # Ensure size was specified
-            if size is None or type(size) not in [int, float] or size < 0:
-                raise ValueError, \
-                      _("A size must be provided for non-existent disks")
-            ret = self.size_conflict()
-            if ret[0]:
-                raise ValueError, ret[1]
-            elif ret[1]:
-                logging.warn(ret[1])
+    def _get_size(self):
+        return self._size
+    def _set_size(self, val, validate=True):
+        if val is not None:
+            if type(val) not in [int, float, long] or val < 0:
+                raise ValueError, _("'size' must be a number greater than 0.")
+        self.__validate_wrapper("_size", val, validate)
+    size = property(_get_size, _set_size)
     def get_type(self):
         return self._type
-    type = property(get_type)
+    def set_type(self, val, validate=True):
+        if val is not None:
+            self._check_str(val, "type")
+            if val not in self.types:
+                raise ValueError, _("Unknown storage type '%s'" % val)
+        self.__validate_wrapper("_type", val, validate)
+    type = property(get_type, set_type)
     def get_device(self):
         return self._device
-    device = property(get_device)
+    def set_device(self, val, validate=True):
+        self._check_str(val, "device")
+        if val not in self.devices:
+            raise ValueError, _("Unknown device type '%s'" % val)
+        self.__validate_wrapper("_device", val, validate)
+    device = property(get_device, set_device)
     def get_driver_name(self):
         return self._driverName
@@ -140,41 +182,262 @@
         return self._driverType
     driver_type = property(get_driver_type)
+    def get_sparse(self):
+        return self._sparse
+    def set_sparse(self, val, validate=True):
+        self._check_bool(val, "sparse")
+        self.__validate_wrapper("_sparse", val, validate)
+    sparse = property(get_sparse, set_sparse)
     def get_read_only(self):
         return self._readOnly
-    read_only = property(get_read_only)
+    def set_read_only(self, val, validate=True):
+        self._check_bool(val, "read_only")
+        self.__validate_wrapper("_readOnly", val, validate)
+    read_only = property(get_read_only, set_read_only)
-    def setup(self, progresscb):
-        if self._type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_FILE and self.path is not None \
-           and not os.path.exists(self.path):
+    def _get_vol_object(self):
+        return self._vol_object
+    def _set_vol_object(self, val, validate=True):
+        if val is not None and not isinstance(val, libvirt.virStorageVol):
+            raise ValueError, _("vol_object must be a virStorageVol instance")
+        self.__validate_wrapper("_vol_object", val, validate)
+    vol_object = property(_get_vol_object, _set_vol_object)
+    def _get_vol_install(self):
+        return self._vol_install
+    def _set_vol_install(self, val, validate=True):
+        if val is not None and not isinstance(val, Storage.StorageVolume):
+            raise ValueError, _("vol_install must be a StorageVolume "
+                                " instance.")
+        self.__validate_wrapper("_vol_install", val, validate)
+    vol_install = property(_get_vol_install, _set_vol_install)
+    # Validation assistance methods
+    def __validate_wrapper(self, varname, newval, validate=True):
+        try:
+            orig = getattr(self, varname)
+        except:
+            orig = newval
+        setattr(self, varname, newval)
+        if validate:
+            try:
+                self.__validate_params()
+            except:
+                setattr(self, varname, orig)
+                raise
+    def __set_dev_type(self):
+        """
+        Detect disk 'type' from passed storage parameters
+        """
+        dtype = None
+        if self.vol_object:
+            # vol info is [ vol type (file or block), capacity, allocation ]
+            t = self.vol_object.info()[0]
+            if t == libvirt.VIR_STORAGE_VOL_FILE:
+                dtype = self.TYPE_FILE
+            elif t == libvirt.VIR_STORAGE_VOL_BLOCK:
+                dtype = self.TYPE_BLOCK
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, _("Unknown storage volume type.")
+        elif self.vol_install:
+            if isinstance(self.vol_install, Storage.FileVolume):
+                dtype = self.TYPE_FILE
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, _("Unknown dev type for vol_install.")
+        elif self.path:
+            if stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(self.path)[stat.ST_MODE]):
+                dtype = self.TYPE_BLOCK
+            else:
+                dtype = self.TYPE_FILE
+        logging.debug("Detected storage as type '%s'" % dtype)
+        if self.type is not None and dtype != self.type:
+            raise ValueError(_("Passed type '%s' does not match detected "
+                               "storage type '%s'" % (self.type, dtype)))
+        self.set_type(dtype, validate=False)
+    def __lookup_vol_name(self, name_tuple):
+        """
+        lookup volume via tuple passed via __init__'s volName parameter
+        """
+        if type(name_tuple) is not tuple or len(name_tuple) != 2 \
+           or (type(name_tuple[0]) is not type(name_tuple[1]) is not str):
+            raise ValueError(_("volName must be a tuple of the form "
+                               "('poolname', 'volname')"))
+        if not self.conn:
+            raise ValueError(_("'volName' requires a passed connection."))
+        if not util.is_storage_capable(self.conn):
+            raise ValueError(_("Connection does not support storage lookup."))
+        try:
+            pool = self.conn.storagePoolLookupByName(name_tuple[0])
+            self._set_vol_object(pool.storageVolLookupByName(name_tuple[1]),
+                                validate=False)
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise ValueError(_("Couldn't lookup volume object: %s" % str(e)))
+    def __validate_params(self):
+        """
+        function to validate all the complex interaction between the various
+        disk parameters.
+        """
+        # if storage capable, try to lookup path
+        # if no obj: if remote, error
+        storage_capable = util.is_storage_capable(self.conn)
+        if storage_capable:
+            if self.path is not None and self.vol_object is None:
+                v = None
+                try:
+                    v = self.conn.storageVolLookupByPath(self.path)
+                except Exception, e:
+                    if self._is_remote():
+                        raise ValueError(_("'%s' is not managed on remote "
+                                           "host: %s" % (self.path, str(e))))
+                    else:
+                        logging.debug("Didn't find path '%s' managed on "
+                                      "connection: %s" % (self.path, str(e)))
+                if v:
+                    self._set_vol_object(v, validate=False)
+        else:
+            if self._is_remote():
+                raise ValueError, _("Connection doesn't support remote "
+                                    "storage.")
+        if self._is_remote() and not (self.vol_object or self.vol_install):
+            raise ValueError, _("Must specify libvirt managed storage if on "
+                                "a remote connection")
+        # Only floppy or cdrom can be created w/o media
+        if self.path is None and not self.vol_object and not self.vol_install:
+            if self.device != self.DEVICE_FLOPPY and \
+               self.device != self.DEVICE_CDROM:
+                raise ValueError, _("Device type '%s' requires a path") % \
+                                  self.device
+            # If no path, our work is done
+            return True
+        if self.vol_object:
+            logging.debug("Overwriting 'path' from passed volume object.")
+            self._set_path(self.vol_object.path(), validate=False)
+        if self.vol_install:
+            logging.debug("Overwriting 'size' with 'path' with values from "
+                          "passed StorageVolume")
+            self._set_size(self.vol_install.capacity*1024*1024*1024,
+                          validate=False)
+            self._set_path(self.vol_install.target_path, validate=False)
+        if self.vol_object or self.vol_install or self._is_remote():
+            logging.debug("Using storage api objects for VirtualDisk")
+            using_path = False
+        else:
+            logging.debug("Using self.path for VirtualDisk.")
+            using_path = True
+        if ((using_path and os.path.exists(self.path))
+                        or self.vol_object):
+            logging.debug("VirtualDisk storage exists.")
+            if using_path and os.path.isdir(self.path):
+                raise ValueError, _("The path must be a file or a device,"
+                                    " not a directory")
+            self.__set_dev_type()
+            return True
+        logging.debug("VirtualDisk storage does not exist.")
+        if self.device == self.DEVICE_FLOPPY or \
+           self.device == self.DEVICE_CDROM:
+            raise ValueError, _("Cannot create storage for %s device.") % \
+                                self.device
+        if using_path:
+            # Not true for api?
+            if self.type is self.TYPE_BLOCK:
+                raise ValueError, _("Local block device path must exist.")
+            self.set_type(self.TYPE_FILE, validate=False)
+            # Path doesn't exist: make sure we have write access to dir
+            if not os.access(os.path.dirname(self.path), os.W_OK):
+                raise ValueError, _("No write access to directory '%s'") % \
+                                    os.path.dirname(self.path)
+            if not self.size:
+                raise ValueError, _("size is required for non-existent disk "
+                                    "'%s'" % self.path)
+        else:
+            self.__set_dev_type()
+        ret = self.is_size_conflict()
+        if ret[0]:
+            raise ValueError, ret[1]
+        elif ret[1]:
+            logging.warn(ret[1])
+    def setup(self, progresscb=None):
+        """
+        Build storage (if required)
+        If storage doesn't exist (a non-existent file 'path', or 'vol_install'
+        was specified), we create it.
+        @param progresscb: progress meter
+        @type progresscb: instanceof urlgrabber.BaseMeter
+        """
+        if self.vol_object:
+            return
+        elif self.vol_install:
+            self.vol_object = self.vol_install.install(meter=progresscb)
+            return
+        elif self.type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_FILE and self.path is not None \
+             and not os.path.exists(self.path):
             size_bytes = long(self.size * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L)
-            progresscb.start(filename=self.path,size=long(size_bytes), \
-                             text=_("Creating storage file..."))
+            if progresscb:
+                progresscb.start(filename=self.path,size=long(size_bytes), \
+                                 text=_("Creating storage file..."))
             fd = None
-            try: 
+            try:
                     fd = os.open(self.path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT)
                     if self.sparse:
                         os.lseek(fd, size_bytes, 0)
                         os.write(fd, '\x00')
-                        progresscb.update(self.size)
+                        if progresscb:
+                            progresscb.update(self.size)
                         buf = '\x00' * 1024 * 1024 # 1 meg of nulls
                         for i in range(0, long(self.size * 1024L)):
                             os.write(fd, buf)
-                            progresscb.update(long(i * 1024L * 1024L))
-                except OSError, detail:
-                    raise RuntimeError, "Error creating diskimage " + self.path + ": " + detail.strerror
+                            if progresscb:
+                                progresscb.update(long(i * 1024L * 1024L))
+                except OSError, e:
+                    raise RuntimeError, _("Error creating diskimage %s: %s" % \
+                                        (self.path, str(e)))
                 if fd is not None:
-                progresscb.end(size_bytes)
+                if progresscb:
+                    progresscb.end(size_bytes)
         # FIXME: set selinux context?
     def get_xml_config(self, disknode):
+        """
+        @param disknode: device name in host (xvda, hdb, etc.)
+        @type disknode: C{str}
+        """
         typeattr = 'file'
         if self.type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_BLOCK:
             typeattr = 'dev'
+        path = self.path
+        if self.path:
+            path = util.xml_escape(path)
         ret = "    <disk type='%(type)s' device='%(device)s'>\n" % { "type": self.type, "device": self.device }
         if not(self.driver_name is None):
@@ -182,35 +445,44 @@
                 ret += "      <driver name='%(name)s'/>\n" % { "name": self.driver_name }
                 ret += "      <driver name='%(name)s' type='%(type)s'/>\n" % { "name": self.driver_name, "type": self.driver_type }
-        if self.path is not None:
-            path = util.xml_escape(self.path)
+        if path is not None:
             ret += "      <source %(typeattr)s='%(disk)s'/>\n" % { "typeattr": typeattr, "disk": path }
         if self.target is not None:
             disknode = self.target
         ret += "      <target dev='%(disknode)s'/>\n" % { "disknode": disknode }
-        if self.read_only:
+        ro = self.read_only
+        if self.device == self.DEVICE_CDROM:
+            ro = True
+        if ro:
             ret += "      <readonly/>\n"
-        ret += "    </disk>"
+        ret += "    </disk>\n"
         return ret
-    def size_conflict(self):
-        """size_conflict: reports if disk size conflicts with available space
+    def is_size_conflict(self):
+        """
+        reports if disk size conflicts with available space
-           returns a two element tuple:
-               first element is True if fatal conflict occurs
-               second element is a string description of the conflict or None
-           Non fatal conflicts (sparse disk exceeds available space) will
-           return (False, "description of collision")"""
+        returns a two element tuple:
+            1. first element is True if fatal conflict occurs
+            2. second element is a string description of the conflict or None
+        Non fatal conflicts (sparse disk exceeds available space) will
+        return (False, "description of collision")
+        """
-        if not self.size or not self.path or os.path.exists(self.path) or \
-           self.type != self.TYPE_FILE:
+        if self.vol_object or self.size is None or not self.path \
+           or os.path.exists(self.path) or self.type != self.TYPE_FILE:
             return (False, None)
+        if self.vol_install:
+            return self.vol_install.is_size_conflict()
         ret = False
         msg = None
         vfs = os.statvfs(os.path.dirname(self.path))
         avail = vfs[statvfs.F_FRSIZE] * vfs[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
-        need = self.size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+        need = long(self.size * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L)
         if need > avail:
             if self.sparse:
                 msg = _("The filesystem will not have enough free space"
@@ -219,9 +491,24 @@
                 ret = True
                 msg = _("There is not enough free space to create the disk.")
+            if msg:
+                msg += _(" %d M requested > %d M available") % \
+                        ((need / (1024*1024)), (avail / (1024*1024)))
         return (ret, msg)
     def is_conflict_disk(self, conn):
+        """
+        check if specified storage is in use by any other VMs on passed
+        connection.
+        @param conn: connection to check for collisions on
+        @type conn: libvirt.virConnect
+        @return: True if a collision, False otherwise
+        @rtype: C{bool}
+        """
         vms = []
         # get working domain's name
         ids = conn.listDomainsID();
@@ -266,9 +553,10 @@
             return False
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "%s:%s" %(self.type, self.path)
-# Back compat class to avoid ABI break
 class XenDisk(VirtualDisk):
+    """
+    Back compat class to avoid ABI break.
+    """
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