Demetri Mouratis wrote:
It sounds like you are expressing a problem with yum-utils's createrepo from
EL4 not working against EL 5 repos.
While this problem is new to me, you should probably run from an EL-5
server, that has a createrepo that can grok both.
In either case, it's a problem with the createrepo program and not something
Cobbler is really involved with. It may be solved
by a simple upgrade of the package.
Agreed with the source of the problem. I'm unable to upgrade to 5 for
the cobbler server at this time. The createrepo packge is the latest.
I'll pursue that separately.
I wonder what value there is in rebuilding the repodata from a public mirror?
et-mgmt-tools mailing list
Latest as in "built from source" ?
If you rsync a repo and do not rsync all of it (such as using an
excludes file to not pull down Open Office translations), you have to
generate the repodata again.
et-mgmt-tools mailing list