On Jun 12, 2008, at 8:24 AM, Robin Bowes wrote:
Michael DeHaan wrote:
Adrian Revill wrote:
for name in $(awk '/name:/ {print($2)}' /var/lib/cobbler/repos)
run $name
One small change I'd make is to make the last awk line run 'cobbler
repo list' instead of grepping the file, that way
it works regardless of the storage backend -- though everyone
pretty much uses the stock one.
As I always say, if it looks too complicated, there's probably a
better way to do it:
for name in `cobbler repo list`
run $name
... and I'm not sure why:
cobbler reposync > /dev/null
... isn't sufficient. Is there an advantage to doing the repos one at
a time? I've got the above. If everything works, I get no email. If
there is a problem, it gets sent to stderr, so I get email.
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