Attached are a patch for cobbler missing the config entry to
submited isc_set_host_name with default to 0.
The patch for Koan is for being used with newer versions of
cobbler 0.9x after Michael's patch for "svc/op=ks", as the path for the
kickstart which koan uses, is "hard-coded".
I think that the behaviour should be cobbler to provided the URL
for the kickstart, removing dependencies between cobbler and koan, or at
least, provide version number from cobbler to koan "client", for koan to
construct URL's for kickstart, kernel, etc appropiately. ¿omments?
Pablo Iranzo Gómez
(PGPKey Available on http://www.uv.es/~iranzop/PGPKey.pgp)
Postulado de Boling sobre la Ley de Murphy:
Si se encuentra bien, no se preocupe. Se le pasará
diff --git a/koan/app.py b/koan/app.py
index dba6c65..df6d171 100755
--- a/koan/app.py
+++ b/koan/app.py
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ class Koan:
# fix URLs
if filler and profile_data["kickstart"].startswith("/"):
- profile_data["kickstart"] = "http://%s/cblr/%s/%s/ks.cfg" % (profile_data['server'], filler, profile_data['name'])
+ profile_data["kickstart"] = "http://%s/cblr/svc/?op=ks&profile=%s" % (profile_data['server'], profile_data['profile'])
# find_kickstart source tree in the kickstart file
diff --git a/config/settings b/config/settings
index 10e06e2..0a3aaa4 100644
--- a/config/settings
+++ b/config/settings
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ dnsmasq_bin: /usr/sbin/dnsmasq
dnsmasq_conf: /etc/dnsmasq.conf
httpd_bin: /usr/sbin/httpd
http_port: 80
+isc_set_host_name: 0
kerberos_realm: 'example.org'
ksdevice: eth0
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