Hi all
The attached patch for Koan will add a new command line
"--add-reinstall-entry" that will use Koan to get a kernel, initrd,
kickstart, etc to add a new entry called "Reinstall" on machines's grub
not as default.
Using that entry for booting, would be the same as running "koan
-r --server=whatever; reboot"
On each run, Koan will clean up those entries and set-up one, that
will be the default for booting or not, depending on the
"--add-reinstall-entry" presence or not (if present, not default boot)
Pablo Iranzo Gómez
(PGPKey Available on http://www.uv.es/~iranzop/PGPKey.pgp)
Postulado de Boling sobre la Ley de Murphy:
Si se encuentra bien, no se preocupe. Se le pasará
diff --git a/koan/app.py b/koan/app.py
index 5c6ff6a..01212e7 100755
--- a/koan/app.py
+++ b/koan/app.py
@@ -161,6 +161,10 @@ def main():
p.add_option("", "--no-cobbler",
help="specify URL for kickstart directly, bypassing the cobbler server")
+ p.add_option("", "--add-reinstall-entry",
+ dest="add_reinstall_entry",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="adds a new entry for re-provisiong this host from grub")
(options, args) = p.parse_args()
@@ -183,7 +187,8 @@ def main():
k.virt_path = options.virt_path
k.virt_type = options.virt_type
k.no_gfx = options.no_gfx
- k.no_cobbler = options.no_cobbler
+ k.no_cobbler = options.no_cobbler
+ k.add_reinstall_entry = options.add_reinstall_entry
if options.virt_name is not None:
k.virt_name = options.virt_name
@@ -799,15 +804,20 @@ class Koan:
cmd = [ "/sbin/grubby",
"--add-kernel", self.safe_load(profile_data,'kernel_local'),
"--initrd", self.safe_load(profile_data,'initrd_local'),
- "--make-default",
- "--title", "kick%s" % int(time.time()),
"--args", k_args,
+ if self.add_reinstall_entry:
+ cmd.append("--title=Reinstall")
+ else:
+ cmd.append("--make-default")
+ cmd.append("--title=kick%s" % int(time.time()))
if self.live_cd:
+ self.subprocess_call(["/sbin/grubby","--remove-kernel","/boot/vmlinuz"])
@@ -822,7 +832,8 @@ class Koan:
cmd = [ "/sbin/lilo" ]
sub_process.Popen(cmd, stdout=sub_process.PIPE).communicate()[0]
- print "- reboot to apply changes"
+ if not self.add_reinstall_entry:
+ print "- reboot to apply changes"
return self.net_install(after_download)
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