Tom Brown wrote:
yes thanks - i have been using this fine for a few months now with
'real' systems so it was assigning IP's to a virt system that was
slightly puzzling me. So i take it that i can add a system and just
omit the reference to the mac address and then reference that system
to koan to get the virt machine installed.
but thinking out loud here i think i am missing a step as i'd need to
assign a mac as otherwise dhcp will not know to give out the assigned
IP to the virt box.
Again i am only talking about virt machines here, i can build and
rebuild real machines without any issue.
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cobbler system add --name=foosball --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
[--ip=] [etc] [etc]
koan --virt --system=foosball
That'll do it. Koan will create the VM guest named "foosball" with
the MAC as set in cobbler.
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