You should just use the variables that are part of the interface since
they are already made available for that purpose.
As for why that is not working for you, a good place to start looking
is at /var/www/cobbler/profiles/$name and
/var/www/cobbler/systems/$name for a file that shows you all the
variables expanded, just like they would be available in your templates.
Then make sure you are using those same variables in your templates.
Also look at the rendered kickstarts in
/var/www/cobbler/kickstarts/$name and
/var/www/cobbler/kickstarts_sys/$name and compare those to the
templates you are using.
Make sure that they look like you want in both cases.
By looking at what variables you have available to use, and seeing how
the kickstarts are actually rendered, it will become much more clear
what is going on.
You shouldn't have to do an install to debug the kickstart.
Try "cobbler validateks" first, which will do a quick scan of your
rendered kickstarts to see if they have the right syntax.
After that, look at them manually and compare the two, to understand
what cobbler is generating from the templates.
thanks - below is what the rendered kix looks like for that system from
the /var/www/cobbler/systems/<systemname>
to me that looks correct as in the template the variables used are
network --bootproto=static --device=eth0 --onboot=on --ip=$ip_address
--netmask=$netmask --gateway=$gateway --nameserver=$nameserver
and the rendered kix looks like the below - is there anything else i can
check ?
arch: x86
ia64: /var/lib/cobbler/elilo-3.6-ia64.efi
standard: /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0
breed: redhat
default_kickstart: /etc/cobbler/default.ks
default_virt_bridge: xenbr0
default_virt_type: auto
depth: 2
dhcp_tag: default
dhcp_tag_intf0: ''
dhcpd_bin: /usr/sbin/dhcpd
dhcpd_conf: /etc/dhcpd.conf
distro: CentOS-4.5-i386
dnsmasq_bin: /usr/sbin/dnsmasq
dnsmasq_conf: /etc/dnsmasq.conf
gateway: ''
gateway_intf0: ''
hostname: box-2
hostname_intf0: box-2
httpd_bin: /usr/sbin/httpd
initrd: /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/CentOS-4.5-i386/images/pxeboot/initrd.img
dhcp_tag: ''
gateway: ''
hostname: box-2
ip_address: ''
mac_address: '00:0C:29:71:D7:4D'
subnet: ''
virt_bridge: ''
ip_address: ''
ip_address_intf0: ''
kernel: /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/CentOS-4.5-i386/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
kernel_options: 'ksdevice=eth0 lang= kssendmac
syslog= text '
kickstart: /etc/cobbler/kickstart_CentOS-4.5-i386.ks
ks_meta: 'nameserver=
tree=http://@@server@@/cblr/links/CentOS-4.5-i386 '
mac_address: '00:0C:29:71:D7:4D'
mac_address_intf0: '00:0C:29:71:D7:4D'
manage_dhcp: 1
manage_dhcp_mode: isc
name: box-2
netboot_enabled: True
next_server: ''
parent: ''
profile: CentOS-4.5-i386
pxe_just_once: 0
repos: ''
server: ''
snippetsdir: /var/lib/cobbler/snippets
- ''
subnet: ''
subnet_intf0: ''
syslog_port: 25150
tftpboot: /tftpboot
tftpd_bin: /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
tftpd_conf: /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
virt_bridge: xenbr0
virt_bridge_intf0: ''
virt_cpus: 1
virt_file_size: 5
virt_path: ''
virt_ram: 512
virt_type: auto
webdir: /var/www/cobbler
xmlrpc_port: 25151
xmlrpc_rw_enabled: 1
xmlrpc_rw_port: 25152
yum_post_install_mirror: 0
yumdownloader_flags: -resolve
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