Michael DeHaan wrote:
Shimizu Kuniaki wrote:
These repo files are created by "cobbler repo add" and used for other
repositories to be updated, such as updates, extras and addons. But
repo files I mentioned are in "/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/config/",
which is created by "cobbler import" and used for "Base" repository.
Ok, I see. As these are not generated by each sync, the Cheetah
engine isn't being run on them. These should probably not have
@@server@@ in them. I'll fix this. (For those wondering what this
is, these are the repos that get installed on the provisioned machines
for EL4/EL5 when the yum_core_mirror_from_server parameter is set).
Fix pushed to git now. I've tested this with an EL5 import and have
verified "@@server@@" is not in the repo_mirror/config directory files.
If you have yum_core_mirror_from_server enabled *and* are on a laptop
that moves around frequently (in terms of the server address), you may
have to manually change the aforementioned repo config files when the
hostname changes. Otherwise, you'll be fine.
(In the future, this is probably something else that will become a
Cheetah template -- the trend is to make pretty much all computer
generated files templates throughout the program).
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