Tom Georgoulias wrote:
Started experimenting with koan today and got myself into a bit of
Used koan with --replace-self and everything went smoothly until
anaconda choked on a syntax error in my ks.cfg. I corrected the error
in the ks.cfg on the cobbler server, used "cobbler sync" to get the
fixed ks.cfg into the profile, then rebooted the client to reattempt
teh install.
Unfortunately for me, koan didn't attempt to get the corrected ks.cfg
from the cobbler server, it used the one already on the client. I
tried to boot up the server I was trying to reinstall and manually
edit /var/spool/koan/ks.cfg, but that didn't work either. Where does
koan keep the ks.cfg?
Koan embeds the ks.cfg in the image, in order to work around some DHCP
timeouts that are possible in quite a few network configurations.
So all you needed to do was to run "--replace-self" again to add the new
kickstart entry.
You may also find the "cobbler validateks" command useful, which checks
all of the kickstart files you have for possible errors, using the
"validateks" tool.
This can help find some errors (but not all) prior to install time.
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