I was assuming first that we do the automated testing of the image...
does it boot? But, we should dig into that.. are there more things we
should check. For example... network access, security access (e.g.
telnet is off), and prehaps some others. I think the engineering and
security guys could provide some good insight. We need to dive into this
more, record the ideas and start to plan out what we will implement and
in what order.
-- bk
Joey Boggs wrote:
You mean from an already installed point of view for testing or from
bare metal/virt-factory all the way up to installed and tested?
Bryan Kearney wrote:
Here is the info from the board:
and in a preso. Lets discuss via the wiki. First of all, I would be
curious if I recorded ir correctly and if the stage names are
something we can live with. As for next steps, this is what I remember:
- David would own Building/Deploying/Delivery and investigate what
tools exist, and what this would look like.
- Darryl would talk with the symphony dude about implementing
running, and doing manual provisioning
Joey.. can you take up Provisioning? Specifically.. since you have
been working on the images.. can you reach out to the ET guys
(Michael, Adrian, etc) to see what exists to automate hte process and
verify that the images start up / shut down?
-- bk
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