The error looks like the cobbler directory isn't showing up in your
python path. The default install is in
/usr/lib/python#.#/site-packages/cobbler/files.py, which is consistent
with the default python path. Specifically, the import call is looking
for cobbler/cobbler.py
Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:
Any advice on fixng this cobbler error or if there's a log I can check
that will reveal the issue? I googled for it but no dice.
[root@localhost ~]# cobbler check
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/cobbler", line 18, in ?
import cobbler.cobbler as app
ImportError: No module named cobbler.cobbler
This happens to be the second server I have tried this on, with same
results, on completely different hardware, different networks, so we
know this isn't a driver or network issue.
Anyhow, any advice is much appreciated, i'd love to roll out a more
robust provisioning system, looks like am super close once past this error.
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