Last week:
-- lots of KVM hacking/testing with virt-factory, provisioning module
-- distro/repo mirroring workflow overhaul
-- brought Virt-Factory up to F-7 (with KVM) for default test config
-- released cobbler 0.6.0
-- meeting with RHX + Luke (puppet) + skvidal, re: RHX + config
management + virt
-- Cobbler Red Hat magazine article was published (yipee!)
This week
-- meeting with jmh re: dreamworks
-- meet with Don Fischer re: EC2
-- Cobbler presentation for virtual-Fudcon (IRC)
-- another round of RHX discussions re: virt-factory, profiles, how we
can collaborate
-- Uli's parallel programming + hw talks in RDU (Thursday/Friday)
-- squeeze in time to do actual work :)
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