I've added some code to Cobbler to make importing things like trees on
external filers much easier. Mirroring content to /var/www/cobbler for
configurations is no longer required. This means that for most users,
the needs to run "cobbler distro add" vs "cobbler import" will be
greatly diminished.
This can be invoked (using upstream source) as:
cobbler import --mirror=/path/where/filer/is/mounted --name=filer
This will be useful for folks who do not have very large /var partitions
for mirroring content under the Apache space, or for folks who want
to store their distro trees somewhere else than on the Cobbler server.
"tree" will be set correctly in the kickstart, relative to the path
where everything is discovered.
If you have multiple distros available in the location, Cobbler will
crawl through the directories and auto-add all of them.
This will also be in the 0.6.0 release, and I've alreaded updated the
web import examples and the cobbler manpage.
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