drew einhorn wrote:
My kickstarts would be simpler and more readable if I could put stuff
that's frequently used in many kickstarts in a separate file and use
Where do I put the files so kickstart can find them when the time comes.
Drew Einhorn
et-mgmt-tools mailing list
I've just committed a neat feature to allow easy includes in kickstart
templates without needing to do the host-on-http-server / wget-in-pre /
%include trick.
To do this, in a kickstart template, you can now say:
and it will automatically include the contents of
The interestingness here is that the snippet definition can also contain
further Cobbler templating variables that are profile and/or system
specific -- which is something
you can't do in Anaconda without a lot of black magic.
Currently Cobbler includes only one sample snippet as an example, and
you will see SNIPPET::partition_select in the new default
kickstarts. Folks can define as many more as they like by adding
files to /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/, giving each file a descriptive name.
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